Russia still has the best offence. To compare it to US is laughable. And the Finns have long surpassed Sweden there.
If Canada's D looks like people picture it here it is not in the top tier. Below USA and Sweden and more like on par with Finnland nowadays.
Why is goaltending uncertain? It is pretty simple:
Canada, USA
Overall: Canada is overrated as always, Sweden still lacks forward depth and has a hole in goal with the King departing and no one to replace him, but a world class D to admire, same for US, but they have goaltending unlike Sweden, Finnland improved significantly in all areas but goaltending, but they still lack elite forward OR D-depth(people are jumping the gun on that), Russia's forwards are underrated as always, the D is by far not elite, but way more solid than it was and now has a top4, the goaltending is simply stellar, Russia's 4th goalie is still better than most nations top choices.
There are no favorites in this group as coaching and how they gel would play a role.