Letters to the Editor writer in todays local paper, brings up a good point.
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This letter is idiotic, for the same reason that anyone in the glebe complaining about Lansdowne is idiotic.
The festivals have been there for years, if you buy or rent a place a the new towers buying built not knowing this or thinking that they are going to stop, you need to go get yourself examined in a societal way. The world doesn't revolve around you "person writing this letter"
If you don't want to hear the noice, don't buy or rent there, easy enough. Or if you still want to live there, then you can plan vacations and cottage times around when the festivals are happening.
I really hope they give the Sens a bigger piece of land so that Andlauer can build a true entertainment district around the arena, with commercial, retail, hotel, office and residential all included.
Lebreton should be filled with Ottawa's biggest towers, much taller than 20 stories with all sorts of other amenities in the planning. No where else in the world is there this much empty vacant land to develop right next to downtown. Don't "Ottawa" this opportunity and yes i'm using Ottawa as a verb meaning that if we "Ottawa" this opportunity and turn Lebreton into Cycling paths, and parks, and low rise residential only towers with no appeal or amenities or reason for anyone else to go there it'll be the biggest mistake this city has made.
rant over...