You must be kidding.
Nieves returned from concussion, has played well, terrific +/- on a horrible team, no time on PP, his Ws have consistently included the offensive black holes that are McLeod ... and Smtih.
Nieves actually does everything well except score, which is learning process for most.
Smith was a stupid indulgence by the win now crowd which we are still paying for.
The fact that he has improved from worse than atrocious to horrible is not much to brag about.
I don't care if he is 3rd pair, 7th D, or 4th line W.
We will be better off when we jettison this selfish loser, who couldn't be bothered to be professional enough to show up in shape.
This isn't a conversation I want to get into, but I will respond one time and give you the final word.
Granted, Nieves has been an adequate fourth liner this year (a word I would also use for Smith), but let's quickly compare the two.
PP time: Neither gets any; moot point.
PK time: Smith averages about 3x the TOI, and is versatile enough to have a chunk of those minutes as a D (even when dressed as a forward) - advantage Smith
Offense: I'm calling this a wipe. Boo is a little better at creating on his own, Smith is better at working the boards and causing havoc in front (leads the team in drawn penalties).
Defense: Again, a wipe. Boo is okay, but not aggressive enough; compensates with his skating. Smith is smarter and more aggressive, but when he's beaten, he's beaten clean.
To be clear, I'm not saying that we should play Smith over Nieves. I'm not saying that Smith is worth the money he's getting paid if he play on the fourth line. And I'm not saying that Boo won't be better than him as a fourth liner as early as our next training camp even.
What I
am saying, is that on a team full of weak fourth liners this season, these two were probably the best; and if we were in a must win situation and could play only one of them on the fourth line, assuming equal quality centre and wing replacements; Smith would give us the better chance of winning.
I won't be responding anymore. Last word is your's.