THE GOOD: Rasmus f***ing Sandin, he's a bulldog with real skill. I thought I saw it last year or at least the beginnings' of it. The kid has what it takes to be an everyday NHL defender no doubt, he'll still need to accumulate experience to reach his potential, but I think I'm seeing a definite 2nd pairing guy, maybe even a #1. He's got a way to go but he's sure showing the signs and certainly has some confidence. The Captain is playing like the former #1 pick that he is, his early hit on Ehlers set the tone for the entire game, I didn't like that no Leaf jumped in when he got flattened in the crease, but generally the team overall didn't take any backward steps. Oh and Jack seems to be back!
THE BAD: There doesn't seem to be too much to complain about, there were the usual breakdowns here and there on the D, but you have to keep in my mind that, this is the Winnipeg Jets we were playing, no pushovers anywhere in that line-up, they are a typical Maurice team, they're physical from the opening whistle, they're big and fast, and they are really disciplined, but we beat them at their game! Which isn't so bad is it?
THE UGLY: How JT taking that crosscheck in the head did not get called, or as I mentioned above, at least retaliated against, I just don't know, but somebody needs to dummy Pionk.
Honorable mention: Brooksie, keep going big boy you're playing for a regular spot next year, prove you still got the game that scored 335 in the dubya, just a little more work on the blades and I think you're there. It sure doesn't hurt him getting to be around Jumbo and Spetz. I think he's a keeper