Ask a gud coach what he thinks about, hyman yzerman....or lidstrom
Here is what I will posit to board members.... Its one thing to have a great player inherited or just recently ripenened..
what the heck do you do with such a player or person...
Myself I TOOK three years off work to bring up my son...
Was it worth it...
Was Mike BABCOCK constantly telling a suspicious audience in toronto after being guaranteed tons of money usd that some jabroney from toronto of all places, was a gem of gems a real gud pro.... ZACH HYMAN..
LOL, possibly the smartest thing Babcock ever did...
Is anyone calling MIKE a fool now.... not I said the sports pig....I was the first person to call out luke schenn as a kid who was overhyped, I WAS the first guy online to also say hey, this hyman might be everything mikey the guy we love to hate, says he is
I was the first person online to say ryan oreilly is or should be top three in the draft...
All eye test. No smell no analytics... I mean did anyone need a second or third look at begosian last year..
GUY came in and basically said, ya sure, call me a number whatever,, six five whatever he just skated got pucks out and hurt anyone who got in his way...
And yet everyone still debated whether this guy, was relevant...
Ladies and gents..... Zach