Thing is he himself said last year that he came into camp in the best health he has had for 3-4 years. I have no doubt he will be in good shape to start but for him to have any effectiveness he has to play with an edge and when he does that he gets injured.
Who knows how he injured it. I recall the game in which Matthews was over excited in his celebration of Simmonds scoring and he jumped into him. Is it possible he jammed Simmonds wrist there? Was it the puck that hit him in the unprotected part of the wrist?
Who knows?
Both would be freak situations though and not cyclical if he plays his game at full throttle.
I've had minor injuries to various parts while lifting and it wasn't my back injury of the past (long since healed thankfully) that were tough to deal with, it was my shoulder/scapula injury. I worked through it in the gym, but maybe 3-4 months later I could still feel the pain in the joint and
I had the luxury of time, I'm not a pro athlete.
Ditto for knees, notoriously difficult to get blood to, thus, healing is slow, if you are lucky and it heals at all.
Now imagine playing NHL hockey with a bad wrist while consistently banging and applying short bursts of output. NHL players generally don't have the luxury of taking 3-4 months off when they can still play at 75-80% effectiveness. The pain can linger and it can severely impact your game. A wrist injury might not be career ending, but it can be persistent, especially after only a few weeks.
I'm not making excuses for Simmonds playoff disappearance, he is well paid to play his game. I'm simply stating my own personal experience and putting into context how it can impact someone engaging in a physical activity. If he was working through this wrist pain, depending on the nature of it; it could easily have put him offtrack. In fact, I would expect it to.
It's paramount that he come back
fully healed and motivated. If I were him, it would be a summer without golf, batting cage or sensitive joint movement of
any kind. I wouldn't even get off the couch using my wrist. If I am in the gym, I have a solid brace on and I'm taking it very easy with certain push/pull motions.