Gary Nylund
Registered User
- Oct 10, 2013
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Because it's not a reason at all it's a result.
Not sure it eases anything, truthfully it's more infuriating to me. Its a lot easier to plug obvious holes or simply ask if you've improved an under talented roster but that's not the Leafs. We're in a spot where we need our talent to breakthrough and produce. Chances are there by every measure and informed eye test. Conversion is not recently
I'd say we could sit here and cry about the results all summer instead of discussing the why, how it's addressed or what the impact will be, but a few posters have that covered in spades already. The chart posted is an interesting response on how ALL teams have done so far this summer. Truthfully I'm surprised we've increased in the result, but it's a decent look at things that are a hell of a lot more interesting than the usual sludge posted on here.
I don't think anyone knows the why, can you tell me where this has been covered? I'd be happy to have a look if anyone has any ideas but I'm pretty sure nobody knows. How it's addressed - do you mean roster changes? Every team has roster changes but nobody can say what the impact will be.
You're surprised we've increased in the result, for me, I'd say skeptical better describes what I think. I don't know how this model was calculated and I have no reason to believe this model is accurate (and no model is 100% accurate anyway). But even if it's accurate, what does it even mean? The chart says we improved and on a scale of 1-5, our improvement rates a 1 but WTF does 1 mean? We don't know so we're just guessing but it doesn't sound like much to me.
Like I said earlier, Zeke's always showing us models/numbers/stats showing the team in a positive light, never negative and the in the playoffs we always lose so one of two things must be true:
1 - the models/numbers/stats he's using have zero predictive value
2 - he's cherry picking what he posts and leaves out anything bad
Either way, it's nothing but meaningless chest thumping.
One stat that doesn't like then leafs, then.
One stat, seriously? OK firstly, let me say that what I find telling is that when I posted on that subject during last season, you said my math was wrong (as if you're some authority) but when I challenged you on that you had zero to back up your claim. Then the Athletic came out with numbers that showed things were even worse than I had said so perhaps you'd like to admit you were wrong? I've never seen you admit to being even a little bit wrong about anything, maybe now would be a good time to start. You're constantly posting things from the Athletic so it seems you find them a credible source, correct?
Now back to your LOL "one stat" comment. I can list some numbers if you want but what's the point? The Leafs have been brutal in the playoffs, you yourself even called the last game the worst loss in Maple Leaf history or something like that IIRC and a few days ago you called our stars "choking dogs" so I'd be surprised if you're not aware that the numbers aren't pretty. But if you're feeling masochistic then say the word and I'll show you some more stats. Not models or expected this or that but cold hard stats based on actual real world results.
Like the Avalanche.
I think you asked me something about the Avalanche before, I'm not sure why. This is the Leafs board, they're not even in the same conference we are so what are you on about? What's your point?