I have a feeling she would be kind of like Dubas lite. She sees the game her way, and dammit she's going to achieve that through the draft. At least Mr Jen would prolly get the job of skills coach for the org!
In other news TJ being TJ must have rubbed off on Simone last night.
Lesson for Coach Shelly. Never ever leave a player stewing in the press box when he's capable of playing. I don't care what he did, or what you think he did, but what you did by doing that, took any edge off of him that was developing. Leaving him there while clearly evident that TJ has needed to take a seat for awhile is just negligent.
I'm not saying Lags is the answer but was he going to be worse than Brodies been the last 6 months?
I can't see how firing Keefe is the answer to this teams problems, because it's more than just systems. St Scotty couldn't get these guys on the right path. The total lack of accountability of the past regime has created a team that seems hyper focused on individual achievement.
Case in point, MM finds himself in position A, there is lots of traffic in front of the net. Instead of shooting he hesitates, looks for 34 who btw is not in a good position and is also covered and MM tries to force a pass because 34 called for one.
The team needs Ws more than 34 needs goals, it's time that fact, starts getting stressed to the 1 line, and to PP1. It's not too late to turn it around. As a Leafs fan what would you rather have. AM showing off his 70th goal puck or a drum tight, disciplined, unselfish, positionally sound machine, thats razor sharp and ready for the playoffs.
Also and my last point, the breakout last night looked without structure or discipline, there is no friggin way 16 when in the 2 lane on a carry out should be running up a teammates back, a teammate who wasn't paying attention and crossed his path. That little traffic jamb is what caused the turnover that led to the 2nd goal.
When the Leafs are clicking its only because they are playing sound positionally, too many individuals always lead to poor results.