I wouldn't exactly classify yesterday's game as crumbling dude. We gave up an early goal after the injury which I would say was to be expected after what happened. And then bounced back and had the better of the chances the remainder of the game. The puck wouldn't go in. You know how many times Paul Byron could have that same play and not even get a shot on net? the only reason that puck elevated was because it rode up Campbell's stick. Amazing goal by Paul, and I am taking nothing away from him, but that goal itself was a bit of a fluke. But then again, you make your own bounces, and he did an amazing job to make a play there. At the end of the day, If price doesn't make that all world save on the 2 on 1, we win this game no problem. He stole the game. Hard to blame Marner on that either, he got a great shot off and Price just made a better save. If Montreal played a near perfect game (which they did) and only won by a goal, all while being up a man the entire game, and still largely getting outplayed, I would say I am ok with the effort last night. Sometimes the results don't justify the effort. Last night was one of them