The Good: They showed they are the better team when they want to be(that's the bad) and they didn't show enough desire to go to the net, they didn't win races they should have won, they let the Nux take some free shots at Matty with no push back and that was unforgiveable....jeezzus this is supposed to be the good
The Bad: As soon as the referees let those, not one but two face off infractions go, I said to my wife, "that's it the Leafs can't win this!" She said "are you going to turn it off," and I said without a hint of irony "no way sweetie it's early!"
The Ugly: I'd truly love to see the referees explanation of not calling what seemed like at least 3 blatant interference calls if not 5, the face-off thing and the numerous stick infractions by Boesser.
So it's Saturday night and that game did nothing to slake my thirst for NHL hockey, it left me feeling frustrated and unfulfilled so I thought what the heck I stay up and take in the Edmonton Calgary tilt, Oilers 3 Flamers 2, what a great hockey game Tkachuk within the first 8 minutes was a missile and flattened 3 Oilers, Lucic and Nurse went at it, and then Neal and Tkachuk, we are talking old time hockey, the hits were 42 - 40 Oilers, it was a rockin game. The reason I'm telling you this is that if the Flames go down a couple of Dmen, Dubas needs to get on the phone pronto and and acquire Matt Tkachuk for whatever the cost within reason
just think
Tkachuk - Matty - Mitch
that line couldn't be stopped and those cheap shots on Auston that we've seen too many of this year will finally stop, although maybe the referees should just do their frickin jobs