Bit of a long story, will try and keep it short
September '93 my Dad takes me to Toronto and eventually belleville for my Grandpas 85th bday.
Dad takes me to MLG one friday morning, the Leafs were in training camp i believe, the girl at desk said we couldnt go inside the rink to watch but could watch through the window in the door.
2 mins. later Dad taps me on the shoulder, whispers Doug Gilmour is walking by with his agent or whoever, I didnt say anything, didnt want to disturb him. Although i wanted my dad to get him to sign something even though we had nothing to sign lol and no sharpie LOL.
We walked by the Leafs store at MLG which was closed and I thought it was cool seeing the Leafs jerseys in the store and much to my Dads disappointment, I then became a Leafs fan thanks to Dougie.
Sadly it was the same day my Grandpa back home passed away from cancer. So it was a bitter sweet day.
as a kid, yeah I was raised into the Oiler fandom thanks to my Dad. Used to jump out of my seat everytime Dave Brown fought someone. early 90's after the cup though the oilers started to suck and would just follow hockey as a fan of the game and would still follow Gretzky in LA.