How could Blake have known?
That's actually not exactly accurate...
As discussed on the latest episode of All The Kings Men (I hate it when people do that *cough*)
Prior to the firing of Dean and Daryl...
The company was clearly divided into Hockey Operations and Business Operations.
Dean was President of Hockey Ops and Luc was president of Business Ops.
When Dean was fired, Luc wasn't promoted per se. They simply restructured the company so that there is one president.... Luc Robitaille.
Rob Blake was promoted from assistant GM to GM and Luc Robitaille assumed the newly created position, President of the LA Kings.
I know it's semantics but I'm a stickler.
I was more talking about
Weren't they all just directly promoted?
No change with the scouting despite some questionable results.
I don't pretend to try and know what Luc's role with the Kings is or isn't. Some people think he is just schmoozing people to try and increase the bottom line and some think he is Darth Sidious running everything behind the scenes. I don't know, and since the Kings are basically the North Korea of sports organizations, who knows what is and isn't true.
I just found it extremely odd that an organization that had gone through what the Kings went through on and off the ice between June 2014 and April 2017 didn't look to really clean things up more than they did and get a fresh start.