Then in the fall, I started to have some trouble breathing. I’d be out of breath sometimes when I never had before. I’d come to the bench tired after shifts, even some shorter ones, I was having a harder time recovering, and I really couldn’t figure it out. For two or three weeks there, I was coughing up blood at times, but I never said anything. I mean, you never really feel that good during the season, so I thought that it was just part of it.
And then when we came back after the [Christmas] break, I woke up the morning of the Washington game and my right arm was numb,” said the 26-year-old workout machine. “I figured maybe I’d slept on it the wrong way. But then after the first period my arm had swollen to basically twice its size and the docs took a look at it and could see that the circulation had been completely cut off and got me to the hospital immediately.