Did you see the flack Dury got for the Buchnevich trade? Imagine the reaction if he made a similar deal for VK without the fanbase knowing of his issues? And you generally don't come out after a trade and say yeah that guy we just traded to another team has issues because the public won't buy it then either. They'll think it's a CYA for a terrible trade. In some ways, these things run their course one way or another. The optimal approach re: return for VK was as a package for a bigger fish which is what Drury was looking at all summer. Is it ideal? Is it good asset management? No. Would the same exact thing have happened under Gorton and JD? I mean... I think so. Is your criticism valid? Sure. But is VK any different than Josh Ho Sang or Drouin or any number of guys just like them who do the same thing?
I mean, look at Pierre Luc Dubois? Certainly seems like a kid who has similar issues to VK. But CBJ played him and kept him around long enough to maximize his value.
The thing with these types of players... are they problematic, yes. Maybe avoid drafting them if poss. But once you have them, you maximize their value by having enough patience to put them on the ice. Because despite their issues they can still build a ton of value by showcasing their on-ice abilities.
If the report is true and he was only being sent down for a tiny period for conditioning and refused - i mean that's just such a fragile ego. I mean, I'd still be a little shocked by the reaction even knowing the player's history. They are literally telling him it'll be really short. All he had to do was go down for 1-2 weeks and if they didn't call him up he can throw his hissy fit then.
Here’s the thing though, you don’t do your job based on fan reaction. It doesn’t matter if people are dancing in the streets or hanging effigies of you. If that’s ever a factor in a move you need to make, then you’re already f***ed. Period. End. Of. Sentence.
They don’t have to come out and say anything. They made a hockey move. Just like they’ve never had to justify any of their moves, regardless of whether they were understood by the fans. Beyond that, if it mattered to them, they would do exactly what they’ve always done - given background info to reporters.
Again, none of this is unchartered territory.
To your point, yeah the Rangers aren’t the only team who made their lives harder. Of course they aren’t. Doesn’t change anything for them though.
You’re right about maximizing a players value and that’s something the Rangers haven’t done here and have made more difficult on themselves now. Columbus didn’t maximize PLD’s value, they took the best of what was left after it became a total shit show. They traded their headache for another headache. And frankly that’s one of the paths for us as well.
Lets not confuse “salvage” with “maximize”. They are two distinctly different terms. The Rangers are not on the cusp of maximizing VK’s value. I can assure you of that.
As for VK’s reaction, you’re 100 percent correct. No one with any street cred would disagree with your assessment of his ego. And now we’ve given the world one more example of it. That doesn’t help our cause.
As for being even slightly shocked, I can’t answer that. I don’t see how anyone close to the situation would be. As a fan you might be, because there’s a whole bunch of stuff that you weren’t a part of. But the front office? No. If this is a surprise to them than that’s a big concern. The standards for them are not the same as the average fan.
And BTW, part of the dispute is that they may not actually have told “him” anything. Which unfortunately would not be the first time with organization either.