I swear we have the most toxic fanbase in all of hockey. The level of hate reached on the internet by those who proport to be a fan of this franchise is ridiculous and embarassing.
"Most knowledgable hockey fans in the world" my ass. We have some of the weakest takes I've ever seen.
Most of it emotional driven drivel, bunch of "Karens" nonsense.
For the record, the habs were by far the best team on the ice last night, Marty DID support his team in regards to the officiating, and Dach despite the unfortunate penalty, probably played his best game of the season. (Which is saying much, but is atleast encouraging and a step forward) But hey, let's tear him a new hole instead.
There was plenty to like about yesterday's game in regards to all things habs, (including Dach) and still the negativity intensifies.