You cannot deny that the volume of long term injuries that team has had has had a negative effect in the standings. But, you can also say what you are saying with respect to the way they are playing. Both can be true at the same time.
This is why I stated they don’t need scoring. They need leadership and they have to score without playing pond hockey.
Richmond should be the right coach for that team when you look at its deficiencies. He should be able to coach that out of them. His specialty is defence. He is capable of coaching defence and responsibility into their game. With a healthy team and excess bodies, he can properly punish players as well. It is tough to sit guys out when they aren’t’ following the program when five guys are already out of the lineup.
We disagree about Leskovar. I believe (assuming he is going to return soon) that he proved that scary D-Man they need and he is their leader. I liken him to Spearing. However, I don’t disagree that they could do better with that OA slot. Depending on the player they could acquire, maybe it makes sense. Would it make sense when they bring in K.Smith to delete Leskovar instead of Lefebvre? Maybe replace both Leskovar and Lefebvre? Possible.
I agree Luchanko is the prize for them if they acquire a forward but they don’t have an ‘08. I don’t think they can make that move. I don’t think they have the right pieces to do it. But, if Parker Vaughn and Brady smith are in fact refusing to waive their NT clauses, that lessens the number of potential ‘08s which shrinks the market and makes a Luchanko to Brampton more viable.