Tell all this to the more than two dozen people he sent Adams to fire on his first day. The people Botterill wouldn’t fire because it would gut the organization for no reason other than saving Pegula money. Not the tens of millions he’s saving ON TOP of an artificially low cap done to pay back owners for years…just pocket change.
Tell it to the staff that were laid off in the middle of the pandemic whose total salaries wouldn’t even be noticed as a rounding error on his accounts.
Tell it to the deadlines the year we finished a point out with a fake contract getting them to the floor as they added RILEY STILLMAN to fix a porous defense.
Tell it to the smallest pro scouting department in the league.
Tell it to the constant in house cheap promotions like Granato and Appert in key positions.
Tell it to New Jersey who is paying Lindy more for his two years signed here than Pegula is.
Tell it to Skinner’s buyout savings that aren’t being used as the team flounders while the need for a top 4 D and top 6 forward were known by all in the offseason. Tell it to the next five years of cap used by doing it that provide more fake spending as the move saved…as always…Pegula more cash.
Tell it to the season ticket holders when they get their annual gift of unsold Sabres puzzles and a discount card for the Sabres store.
Tell it to the GM awho has spent YEARS saying he needed money fto re-sign his failed core only to ship one out immediately when he needed a deal and had arb rights and a better season than the guys he already paid. Tell it to those RFAs that won’t be getting the money anyway because they’re shit…in part because they are forced to play over their heads too young BECAUSE HE WONT SPEND MONEY.
Actually…scrap all that. Tell it to a f***ing wall