The stuff I'm saying is based off what he actually did. Most of what you're saying is what he might or could be.
-Great, those advanced sure helped the Leafs out, and they got Kadri to another amazing mid 40 point season.
-If he's such a great two way player, why did he play a whopping 5 minutes of PK time? Thats not per game, thats his season total.
-Hes not underpaid. He's paid quite generously based on what he's done.
-Was his low shooting percentage bad luck or something else? Because I saw a guy that was taking a lot of awful low percentage shots last year. That'll both inflate his total shots and lower his shooting percentage.
-The immaturity is obvious from getting suspended by his own team.
-Hes been suspended twice now by the NHL for head hits. Also watch him slash guys after he gets hit, its amazing he doesn't get called more often for that.
-I will give him credit for being good at getting calls, however he often crosses the line into embellishment, and has been both penalized and fined for it.
Also a big lol at giving a guy who's scored 20 goals once, a few years ago, credit for a 27 goal season.