Jaromir Jagr
Registered User
I assume this was edited for comedic effect, but in general, it's probably not too far off.
The only reason I have any concept of geography is because I self-taught myself. Much like most other things. And I grew up in a pretty wealthy suburb of New York, in a 'highly-rated' public school district.
Among other things, my parents taught me to read, write, and do math. And I have a deep interest in history, politics, finance (and sports) all of which I learned on my own to varying degrees.
I truly believe that had my school just sat us down for 8 hours a day and made us read books, rather than listen to its teachers and the imposed curriculum (generally based on teaching to the test), I would be far more intelligent than I actually am.
The education system is more effective in Europe and I think they demand much more from their students. Also, it's essentially a necessity that you get a Master's here.