Ya, the LOA coming right after the benching is way too much of a coincidence to be dismissed. It really does seem like Tocchett has told Miller, probably a number of times, to stop being worried about what other players are doing on the ice and to worry about himself because its probably just a big distraction and probably because other players (including Pettersson) are tired of it. And I think Miller has probably been unable to control his emotions and has continued to do the thing he's been told not to do, and I think this all culminated in him being benched. And then, perhaps not surprisingly, Miller blew up at Tocchett for benching him (and publicly embarrassing him) and the team told Miller to take a LOA. And as
@MS has pointed out, there probably is
some reasonable frustration being experienced by Miller when he gets public shamed for his play despite playing much better than Petterssson, who to date, hadn't been criticized, to at least the same extent, publicly. But at the end of the day, I don't think Pettersson or others were continually ignoring direct instructions from coaching, and I don't think any of them blew up like Miller probably did after his benching. So the situations are different.
Ironically, I think management and coaching generally like Miller's intensity, and probably agree with his criticism of other players, but you can't have this become a distraction or continue when enough players have expressed they don't like it. And you certainly need to do something about this behaviour if it continues after multiple warnings. Its interesting, though, or perhaps more irony, that after the LOA Allvin publicly called out Pettersson which probably vindicated Miller's thoughts. I have often wondered if Allvin wasn't almost doing this partly as an olive branch to Miller, as if to say that management understands and agrees with his concerns, albeit not the way in which he is expressing it.