Watching other teams, especially good teams facing each other, really makes it on obvious that this team is receiving extremely limited coaching. You can watch teams running set plays on entry to set up rushes, often with fallbacks to try and keep the rush going, and this team apparently thinks all that stuff is a happy accident. Florida and Dallas for example love running well-executed pick plays. Example, lead man skates in, drops puck back and then skates in front of the new carrier to inhibit the D and give new guy room to drive around. Then original guy can rush the net. You see tons of variations of that around the league, and it ain't new. Boudreaux made DC electric with that kind of entry.
That's all completely absent from the Flyers. Coaching matters. Our coaching is bad.thata just one example. Teams run all kinds of plays. The Flyers just grind and wing it. It's the most obnoxiously, boringly simple stuff possible.