It's funny that someone with a B.A. and M.A., that constantly brags about it, would make a bunch of continuity mistakes like you have. Very sloppy actually.
For instance, you claim to be a middle child (Dec 17, 2023), yet in an earlier post a couple of years back (Oct 13, 2022), you talk about it being your two older sisters.
Or that you had lost most of your hearing from meningitis at age 12 (Apr 14, 2023), yet in an earlier post, you claimed that it was when you were 5 (Dec 13, 2022).
Or your character making a point of being born in 1998, dozens of times, yet you slipped up recently, when you claimed that you were turning 29 next month (which is sometime this month), and you said so on Nov 23, 2024.
And just recently, talking about your folks, Mom and Dad, and their photos together from the early 1970s. Yet, you're born in 1998 (supposedly), and your younger sister is 4 years younger than you are?
If you were adopted, you would have divulged that information already, since you're so open about everything (supposedly).
Above all of this, there's a question of what's your motivation, and it doesn't jive. I've come across this type of poster on other forums, and it's never good. Smart play by you though, since it's densely populated by men.