Character is such am ambiguous word that I feel like it's used by coaches to rationalize poor personnel decisions.
Character is good as long as it's a tie breaker and not a main decider. Plus what does it even mean?
It's not that people are getting hung up on the idea of character, it's that some people are getting hung up on the idea of choosing character over skill/talent/speed/etc.
That being said, Gorton/the Rangers aren't looking for one or the other. They have said they want skill/speed as well as character. They aren't mutually exclusive.
I get the point you're trying to make, but character has an actual definition. It's not some sort of fantastical notion developed by the old guard to give brownie points to the guys they like.
None of those are relevant to hockey.
No? When did the robots take over?
Character to me is the ability or willingness to keep going when adversity hits. It's the ability to inspire others in a situation where it seems like all hope is lost.
I think there are very rare cases in which a guy's character is so bad that his skill can just be outright ignored, but most time when we're talking NHL talent, the skill margins are so small that character is a significant distinguishing factor.
What I mean is, those definitions are too general to mean anything in the context of analyzing hockey players.
Only if you're being wilfully ignorant, IMO. No, there's no definition in the "hockey dictionary" but this really shouldn't be this difficult.
I would argue it's the opposite. The character margins are so small that skill is a differentiating factor. Now, I think this is more true of established NHLers where the lazy bums were weeded out already.
Character is good as long as it's a tie breaker and not a main decider. Plus what does it even mean?
Seems to me that there is a school of posters who believe that character and skill are mutually exclusive. And to tout anything outside of pure skill is "caveman". If it cannot be measured on the Corsi bell curve, it cannot be reliable.Why are people put off by the idea of character? Seems like an odd thing to get hung up on.
With AV gone, it might not be the best ideaBring back Grabner, Mr. Gorton, if you read HFNYR. Thank you.
This is fair, and probably right, particularly for established guys. I was definitely speaking more in the context of the draft though. Maybe I just didn't realize what thread I was in.
No.Hell yeah
I know he’s a trash person but he’s a beast player