Its a beautiful country so I don't blame him. Only seen it briefly from Lake Como, but ya it seems like a heavenly place (with lots of chocolate and good looking women...).
The Alps and the valleys between are really something. That's undeniable.
Though there's something about the huge banking sector and the clientele it attracts, and that in turn tends to beget an air of "easy on the eyes". I guess exactly nobody was surprised at this...
Belgians and Austrians would make a case for the chocolate aspect despite the success of Toblerone. Swedish and Finnish chocolates are very good too, can't say the same for Norwegian and Estonian.
(I have a pension plan in a Swiss bank. Technically it's done as a life insurance with their Lichtenstein affiliate. Tax free in Finland as long as the yearly earnings keep flowing back to the plan. They keep it safe by switching my moola among others between various stock funds and swap rate funds, mostly the latter recently for obvious reason. It's kind of funny to have occasionally an interest in JP Morgan when nobody there would give you the time of day lol.
It was even free to do with a local banker because the Swiss pay them enough provision for new accounts and clients. The big established banks here just screw you over and then can't produce the same way anyway. Visited this Swiss bank once because they make a point of inviting you to come have a visit even if you're pretty freaking modest as far as their customers go. Sort of a pretty stable bank too, their biggest single owner is the Vatican lol.)