It’s like the three bears from Goldilocks. Hopefully the next one will be just right. Soon.
Terrylocks and the 3 GMs?
Technically isn't J-Botts our 4th GM?
"This one is too sleepy!" said Terrylocks after taking a little sample of GM Darcy.
Next up was GM Patty, but before Terrylocks could take a bite, GM Patty was off the floor and out the door!
"Good luck with this mess" shouted GM Patty as he ran far away.
"Oh Phooey" said Terrylocks
Up next was GM Timmy, and boy he was alive, making things happen all day and all night. He certainly wasn't GM Darcy by any shape or size.
After a while Terrylocks grew sour "You've sure done a lot GM Timmy, but even after all these changes things aren't that much better"
"**** you Terrylocks", GM Timmy said, as he huffed out the door, bad mouthing the front office to all who would hear.
Up next was GMJB. "Oh what a brain he must have inside that large cranium of his" Terrylocks said with glee.
"What a mess!" proclaimed GM JB. "I can fix it, oh for sure, but first I must undo everything that came before!"
"Out Kane and O'Reilly" GM JB said with glee "I'll sure ask a lot, but I'll take not much"
"I'll hire a coach who has never coached before, and if that doesn't work, I'll go to the soccer store!"
After awhile, Terrylocks sure did wonder "Does GMJB know the pressure he's under? He acts like everything is fine and dandy, but oh dear will you look at the standings?"