Injury Report: Jamie Drysdale, RHD | Feb. 26 INJURY UPDATE: week-to-week per Sportsnet [post #1]...evaluated in two weeks


Registered User
Nov 29, 2021
Every time we talk about what an alternate package could have looked like, you kind of have to say what you think that package could have been. There is such a small list of assets around the league that would have even been suitable for discussion, and an even smaller list that would have been available in such a trade if we’re targeting players <22 y/o. This was always going to be a 1-for-1 type of deal.

Who else would have made sense in such a swap? Who would people have wanted to target instead of Drysdale? There’s probably only like 5-10 names that could have made sense in the first place. Probably fewer.

The only other type package I can think of would have been if we wanted to use Gauthier + other assets to acquire a legit established star like Pettersson who might be available, but I don’t think that would have been a popular idea around here either since we’re probably talking about Gauthier + 1st + another roster player if we’re being realistic.
a pettersson level talent is acceptable. 25 year old elite centers dont just grow on trees haha. he likely has ~8 more years of elite production numbers I think that's acceptable.


Foundational Titan
Jun 19, 2018
Now, let's be fair. They can all be the problem here.
You're not a problem if you quit your job because of the endless bullshit you have dealt with from management are you? Of course not, that's your right. Hell, it should even be encouraged.

Cutter "quit" management. He didn't quit his job. He had every right to do what he did, and I encourage it. f*** the Flyers, they deserve this


In misery of redwings of suckage for a long time
Mar 13, 2009
Chasm of Sar (north of Montreal, Qc)
Exactly. Plus the extra years of team control and most importantly for me, the extra years of development. For the purposes of trade valuation, I don’t care if he was rushed. That’s not my problem until the trade is completed. Everything Drysdale did post-draft pushed his value down, not up.
Am I wrong in seeing it as a positive that much of Drysdale's development occurred outside of this organization?
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Entirely Palatable Product
Apr 25, 2016
Huron of the Lakes
Why are we assuming the #1 prospect in hockey, according to some, with 2.5 years of control had a limited market?

The most ridiculous narrative is that the Flyers needed to rush rush rush into trading a player they took 5th overall 1.5 years ago, whose value is in no imminent danger of dropping. The team has bruises from violently patting itself on the back about keeping things hush-hush and getting this done quickly post-WJC because they would have taken a bath on Gauthier otherwise. Marvel at the return! And a lot of fans bought into that. To me, it sounds like what people affecting the role of businessmen say because they think it sounds intelligent. Please run this logic by Daryl Morey.

Every team already knew Gauthier wasn't signing. The information becoming public changes nothing because ~20 teams were already bidding against each other. Gauthier was never staying 4 years; 2 years made him disgruntled. The Flyers always had the leverage. I don't think it should've been stretched into next year, but you will never convince me his value wouldn't have been the same at the draft this summer. And maybe it wouldn't have changed much because they wanted a certain position of a certain age of a certain draft pedigree at a certain time (now) to help with PR. But I simply don't accept the logic that Drysdale + 2nd was the absolute peak value offer, and Gauthier's value would have started depreciating on January 9th.


Entirely Palatable Product
Apr 25, 2016
Huron of the Lakes
Am I wrong in seeing it as a positive that much of Drysdale's development occurred outside of this organization?

I'd say so, Bern. He was rushed into the NHL at age 18 (by Bob Murray, so we know his evaluation of Drysdale was always too rosy). And the only coach he has ever played for is Dallas Eakins, one of the worst structural guys in the league, on some dumpster fire Ducks teams. I do actually somewhat trust Tortorella and Shaw to develop him better than that.

Glass half-full, Drysdale clearly has ability -- although it sounds like his draft year offensive profile isn't totally incongruous with his NHL one -- and it's a fine gamble to believe his developmental track can be righted. (Again, I want to acknowledge Super Advisor, Bob Murray, was responsible for what happened on the Ducks.) But the Flyers didn't just pay for a half-full glass. They paid for it filled to the brim, along with buying the glass and the coaster and the stool they're sitting on.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2015
The most ridiculous narrative is that the Flyers needed to rush rush rush into trading a player they took 5th overall 1.5 years ago, whose value is in no imminent danger of dropping. The team has bruises from violently patting itself on the back about keeping things hush-hush and getting this done quickly post-WJC because they would have taken a bath on Gauthier otherwise. Marvel at the return! And a lot of fans bought into that. To me, it sounds like what people affecting the role of businessmen say because they think it sounds intelligent. Please run this logic by Daryl Morey.

Every team already knew Gauthier wasn't signing. The information becoming public changes nothing because ~20 teams were already bidding against each other. Gauthier was never staying 4 years; 2 years made him disgruntled. The Flyers always had the leverage. I don't think it should've been stretched into next year, but you will never convince me his value wouldn't have been the same at the draft this summer. And maybe it wouldn't have changed much because they wanted a certain position of a certain age of a certain draft pedigree at a certain time (now) to help with PR. But I simply don't accept the logic that Drysdale + 2nd was the absolute peak value offer, and Gauthier's value would have started depreciating on January 9th.
Hartnell mentioned that his agent gave a list of teams he would accept to the flyers, otherwise he would walk.


Entirely Palatable Product
Apr 25, 2016
Huron of the Lakes
Hartnell mentioned that his agent gave a list of teams he would accept to the flyers, otherwise he would walk.

It was 20+ teams! That was the report. Hardly a back to the wall situation for the Flyers.

He'd have to play 4 years of college hockey to walk and would sacrifice a lot of earnings in the process. He seemed very unhappy about not being in the NHL this year. I call bullshit on that ever being anything but a negotiating bluff. And the 20 or so teams confirms it was bullshit. He wanted to get to the NHL pronto and wasn't that picky about it.


In misery of redwings of suckage for a long time
Mar 13, 2009
Chasm of Sar (north of Montreal, Qc)
I'd say so, Bern. He was rushed into the NHL at age 18 (by Bob Murray, so we know his evaluation of Drysdale was always too rosy). And the only coach he has ever played for is Dallas Eakins, one of the worst structural guys in the league, on some dumpster fire Ducks teams. I do actually somewhat trust Tortorella and Shaw to develop him better than that.

Glass half-full, Drysdale clearly has ability -- although it sounds like his draft year offensive profile isn't totally incongruous with his NHL one -- and it's a fine gamble to believe his developmental track can be righted. (Again, I want to acknowledge Super Advisor, Bob Murray, was responsible for what happened on the Ducks.) But the Flyers didn't just pay for a half-full glass. They paid for it filled to the brim, along with buying the glass and the coaster and the stool they're sitting on.
My ... question ... STANDS!! ;)

Seriously, I agree that Drysdale had the ill fortune of finding one of the few NHL environments less amenable to helping a prospect flourish. And Shaw seems to be holding the magic wand this year for defensemen's old-dogs-new-tricks development. Hopefully Shaw doesn't get poached and the Flyers enjoy some honest to goodness development-savvy coaching for a few years.

I agree, too, with your and Jojo's point about the loss of those sweet ELC years. Fortunately, it comes at a time of relative cap health both from few anchor contracts and a rising cap ceiling. So thank goodness for small favours.

Before the trade and backstory emerged, I was of the mind that the best-case scenario for Gauthier was in a package deal for a real 1C or 1D, and it may be self-soothing words to consider that the FO could have chosen several more disastrous avenues for instant gratification. Briere just has to get Drysdale to Lourdes and Walker, Seeler, and Laughton to other organizations for multiple picks.
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Registered User
Dec 31, 2003
Lewes Delaware
All it has taken is for one evaluator to crown Gauthier to be the top prospect in all of hockey and folks have dumped on the Flyers for making a foolish trade. The shine has fallen off of Button’s assessments of players a while ago. Gauthier may merit that and then again, maybe not.
Most of the posters here agreed that his future is not at center. As a wing, he has better potential skills. He looks to be a scorer but how much of one is to be determined. Playing against amateurs is far different from doing that against pros.
Time will tell here but this deal could well end up being a top six wing for a top four RHD. One thing is obvious though. Before Sunday Drysdale was adding speed, puck handling and skills on the back end that the Flyers have lacked since Gostisbehere left town. If Drysdale can get and stay well, he’ll be a fine ingredient on the defense.


Global Moderator
Jan 17, 2004
Damn. Wish his career was in jeopardy so this thread could go on forever.
An irritating memory is after Tim Kerr slapped the stupid off the Penguins through six games in 1989 (a record for points in a series that still holds) and then got whacked by Jim Johnson that resulted in a broken hand. Kerr was rendered useless in the Conference Championship against Montreal that season but whenever Kerr conducted an interview following the Penguins' series, he had his hand hidden so not to show the degree of the injury.


Registered User
Feb 21, 2018
An irritating memory is after Tim Kerr slapped the stupid off the Penguins through six games in 1989 (a record for points in a series that still holds) and then got whacked by Jim Johnson that resulted in a broken hand. Kerr was rendered useless in the Conference Championship against Montreal that season but whenever Kerr conducted an interview following the Penguins' series, he had his hand hidden so not to show the degree of the injury.
Loved BTK! What a release


Foundational Titan
Jun 19, 2018
Perhaps this is a dosage of good news, at least for the current plight.

I tore my in rotator cuff in November and didn't need a sling or surgery. I missed 2 months of my hockey season and rehabbed for 6 weeks. That was a first time injury. Drysdale's case is one that includes surgical repair and re-injury, so there is significant baseline instability in the joint and risk of connective tissue (re)injury is relatively high in a contact sport. Just because he's not in a sling doesn't mean he has no connective tissue damage. Sommermann has no clluee

There is 7 weeks left in the season. Recall the I had a relarively minor connective tissue injury in my shoulder and missed 6 weeks. Obviously, things are a little different in sports medicine and sports science at the pro level, but it still serves as a reasonable baseline when juxtaposed to Drysdale's situation. It isn't out of the question that he is shut down for the rest of the year. In fact that is what I'd expect given his age and injury history.


Registered User
Feb 21, 2018
I tore my in rotator cuff in November and didn't need a sling or surgery. I missed 2 months of my hockey season and rehabbed for 6 weeks. That was a first time injury. Drysdale's case is one that includes surgical repair and re-injury, so there is significant baseline instability in the joint and risk of connective tissue (re)injury is relatively high in a contact sport. Just because he's not in a sling doesn't mean he has no connective tissue damage. Sommermann has no clluee

It isn't out of the question that he is shut down for the rest of the year. In fact that is what I'd expect given his age and injury history.
Let’s hope! Need Briere to look bad.

nacc BLOCC

Registered User
Apr 16, 2019
Perhaps this is a dosage of good news, at least for the current plight.

i had a grade three shoulder separation, for a month while interviewing surgeons and then waiting for scheduling, i frequently walked around without a sling, and my collarbone nearly tickling my ear.

don’t really mean too much. after going through two surgeries for that separation, i can say i would never want to play a contact sport with a history of shoulder injuries. so i race bicycles instead.
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