Zajacs Bowl Cut
Lets Go Baby
I’m not defending his play. But I’m defending the player. Yes, he’s been very bad since November but I’m still supporting the player since he’s wearing our colors. It’s not a question of effort or heart with him. It’s a question of if his ability is deteriorating fast enough that he might not be a viable option next year.
Would much rather root for him to have an unlikely turnaround and help us in the final stretch.
To this topic though, it’s not the question that was problematic, but the goofy Twitter stuff. I assume that’s what Haula was referring to. I also think this isn’t as big of a deal as people are portraying it to be.
I dont think its a huge deal either, but what is so goofy about posting on twitter about how a guy doesnt have a point for 3 months? I just dont really see that as a big deal.