Dude you're totally wrecking the winefest by bringing up facts. What we want are more conspiracy theories.
It was early 2017, and Dan Beckerman was having trouble sleeping. The Kings’ poor play was keeping him up at night, and it was beginning to affect AEG’s bottom line. It wasn’t a secret really; he shared his feelings with some of his friends who have been involved with the Kings for a long time. About a week later he started having these eerie nighttime occurrences. He heard, or thought he heard, this soft music playing as he was dozing off, which put him in a trance-like state. Then he would hear the words whispered that he never forgot after that day:
“Dan…. Burns it down”
He woke up after his first experience with this the next morning and thought it was just a dream. Yet it happened on many nights – the same quiet music, the same whisper: Dan.. Burns it down. It freaked him out so much he actually called the police, you can find the report if you search public records. They did a thorough search of his property and couldn’t find any speakers or anything like that. All they found were these curious impressions in the dirt outside his window, like someone was standing on two school rulers or two long, thin objects. They also found a jewel case of a CD called “Hush”, here is an image from their report.
After that, the dreams stopped, but he couldn’t forget the whispers.
He had almost forgotten about it all when by chance he was at a lunch in April with Kings alumni and management, and they were all talking about the team, sharing stories, and enjoying their meal. Then from right behind him, he heard it. “Burns it down”. The whisper. He looks directly at DL and says “Dean, you’re fired. Darryl, you as well. Pack your things.”
No one was really shocked, especially DL. Dean was coming to terms with what he had just heard when Luc steps out of the shadows and says “I’m so sorry Dean”, with a sympathetic smile. Yet when people were recounting the story months later, they couldn’t recall that Luc was invited to that lunch, and no one could figure out why he was there.
Ever since that day Beckerman’s fingerprints have been all over the Kings, he’s Luc’s puppet. He’s responsible for the bad trades, the weird prospect movements, and he even dictates who plays on the top line. So next time you think about bashing Blake or Todd, just remember that Beckerman, through Luc, is the one calling the shots. And if you don’t believe me, I’ll leave you with this:
B U R N S I T D O W N = D U S T I N B R O W N