My rational basis is 37pts divided by 22gp equals 1.68 points per game. And that is greater than or equal to 1.0 points per game. So I guess my rational basis is the "simple math". Sorry facts hurt your feelings.
I think we need to use some common sense though.
If Ovechkin was out for the season after that hit, it would 1000% face backlash for someone to use this following logic:
"Ovechkin had 15 goals in 18 games - that is 0.83 goals per game and is a 68 goal pace. Ovechkin that season was better than any of the guys who scored 50-60 actual goals".
It is a statistical fact in hockey that it is harder to maintain a per game pace the more games you play in a season, and that the less games you play in a sample, the less indicative it is of what a real full seasons result would have been. We have seen this with all elite players.
The question is how far is too far. I agree that it's fair to say that Crosby putting up 37 in 22gp can lend you to assume he is better than 80 in 80gp. But however, it isn't as clear to assume that it's better than 100 points in 82gp.
When the discussion becomes "is 22 games enough to say that this person finished first in points per game?" My assessment is no. Just like if Ovi only played 15 games this season, that wouldn't be enough to really consider it a 1st place goal/gp finish when comparing him to people at season-end.