Because it's all we know how to discuss.
Hell I don't even know what to say about the Oiler forwards?
Why don't they score more?
Why do they need 99.5% on the deserve o'meter to BARELY win a hockey game.
How do you consistently lose hockey games with 80% on it.
This is a fantastic hockey team that I'm scared to death is going to goalie'd like no f***ing team ever has in existence come playoff time.
They're terrible.. brutal.... AHL level shooters. It's like we're watching the old nintendo game and our team is all the skinny skilled guy. Has the puck all the time, generates tons of chances, lots of shots. But if you're not deeking the pants off the goalie it's not going in... muffins.
Seriously beyond Draisitl I can't think of a player on the team this year that is having a good year scoring wise. and not from a lack of chances. McDavid included.
I guess Kulak.
To keep it light I did see the nacho thing pop up in the media on Perry's goal. I had a chuckle. I guess that's our new strategy to get our muffins through. Nobody but Draisitl can score unless we distract

I say next game we toss one of those bobby burgers, or perhaps we should research the opposing goalies favorite foods. Would be more effective scouting than what our players may be getting because wherever we're telling our players to shoot. They either can't shoot it there or are being told the wrong things haha.