Is Exercise really necessary when you are on a diet?

Sep 19, 2008
I started biking again but actually gained weight. I'm shocked.

Plus biking is very popular with pelatons these days but wrecks your tailbone. And yes, I've adjusted the seats ad nauseum and done hours of research on the optimal biking position.

I know results shouldn't be seen immediately (hard when I measure myself almost every 6 hours to track weight progress) but I'm wondering when I'll actually see results...

Primary Assist

The taste of honey is worse than none at all
Jul 7, 2010
I started biking again but actually gained weight. I'm shocked.

Plus biking is very popular with pelatons these days but wrecks your tailbone. And yes, I've adjusted the seats ad nauseum and done hours of research on the optimal biking position.

I know results shouldn't be seen immediately (hard when I measure myself almost every 6 hours to track weight progress) but I'm wondering when I'll actually see results...
I highly recommend against weighing yourself that frequently. There's just way too much variation between hydration, sodium levels, water retention, etc. to get an accurate reading. Once a week at the same time every week is the best way to control for those variables and is much better for tracking and peace of mind
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Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
You have to at least allow yourself to take a shit. That’s not even guaranteed to happen once a day.

I was doing it everyday. Right now I do it after I go for a run, which I do 3x per week.
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Sep 19, 2008

This makes me feel better as losing 10 to 15 pounds should take 4 months or more with a regular regimen. Also explains why I didn't lose shit even though I walked 5 miles yesterday :laugh:

Will begin working out every day now with a day of rest obv\

(ignore the title, everything he says is just that you can lose weight over time with slow and steady exercise, he recommends walking every day)


Registered User
Jan 22, 2014
Ottawa, Ontario
Got diagnosed with celiac disease with a Hiatal hernia in 2018. Got rig of all grains and gluten. since then, my weight lost is 85 pounds from 260. I walk 10 000 to 12 000 steps per day and plank/yoga in the mornings.
I never exercised in my entire adult life... I ate and drank way too much beer.
I'm also 7 month sober.

You get to a certain age and just 'wake' up!


Registered User
Feb 8, 2012
Its all diet man all diet all diet. You can do nothing and look like a Greek god just based upon diet. Doesn't mean one is in SHAPE however. I am a little Husky and I can out run and jump a LOT of better LOOKING men.
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Registered User
May 13, 2011
Somewhere around the world
I believe it's a mix of both. I had gained quite a bit of weight when I got my third concussion from not moving, depression caused by the concussion and making poor choices. I started doing keto without much exercise besides walking my dog. I lost over 10 pounds in the first month. Half way into the second month of my keto, I was cleared for strict physical training. After a while, I was able to lose the weight that I gained. keto works well fore me because I am the type of person who eat a couple of chips, turns into a few more, then the whole bag. It really restricts me.

I might try the carnivore next month to see how if it bodes well with me doing lifting, MT, and now Jiu Jitsu.
Sep 19, 2008
It's mostly diet I figured out. I was ill after coming back from vacation and went all the way down to 161 (I was 166 before).

Right now I'm at 161 and feeling fine but I am concerned if this is the plateau and if I can go lower

Eating home food instead of processed food is helping, and I haven't really biked at all.


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