Wow. I didnt mean for this to ensue at all .
Hyman to me, is a celebration. A Toronto guy, born apparently out of extreme wealth. Who I thought, was scouted when Babcock was in Detroit Michigan. Out of college.
I thought it was Babcock who had the Hyman obsession.
Let me change the discussion then.
AT what point in LEAF time, did you turn into a HYMAN lover.
Let me start. For me, it was when he took the puck against BOSTON. carried it up all the way, scored a spectacular goal.
I am one of the biggests Leaf fans, out there, but that was embarassing to me.
Shit Rorbertson himself, should have lept out at the guy, wherever he was stationed, he would have been an overnight youtube, instagram, jake paul guy.
But no. ZERO response. For the heart and soul of the team.
I wasn't a big hater or lover of the guy, up till then.
AFTER THAT. Pure love ever since.
So stop squabbling. When did all of you, become lovers of HYMAN
And if Keefe has any stones at all. He dresses Sabourin, and Saber tooth Sabourin makes a statement for all of professional sports, and gets a paid off house, from Larry Tanenbaum.
U think that would convince hyman's father that Tanenbaum and the Leafs consider his son, a fixture, a local hero, a guy worth signing, for large......
Well in my sense of justice, that is what I would do.
I have never seen an athlete, in all my years of watching Toronto sports, put in an effort like this guy.
AND, from my small reports, apparently, a great team guy. To not see, anyone jump off the bench. and Muzzin in particular, to smoke Edler, was not very cool to see.
Apart from my concern over Hyman himself, Jack Campbell looking like Humpty Dumpty, the lack of follow through for a great player, well, that really puked me out.