Carolinas Identity*
I'm a bad troll...
Someone with a higher tolerance for math explain this to me:
You're given an option of three doors. Two doors have a booby prize, one door has a car. You choose a door at random. Then, one of the doors with a booby prize is eliminated and you're given the option to choose between the two remaining doors: The one you picked originally and the one you didn't.
Apparently, mathematically-speaking, you're always supposed to switch from your originally chosen door. Because you picked that door when you had a 1-in-3 chance of being correct, and if you switch, the other door has a 1-in-2 chance of being correct. And I get that it makes sense mathematically, because your odds of being correct went from 33% to 50%.
But logically, it doesn't make any sense to me. Because once one of the doors is eliminated, I have a 50% chance of being correct regardless of whether or not I switch doors. My originally picked door either has the car or it doesn't. 50/50. I don't see why switching doors would change that.
This is true and I have been asked about this a bunch.
Look at it this way:
When you pick a door, you have a 33.3...% chance of the car and a 66.6....% of a donkey (the example I am familiar with)
That means, that between the other two doors, one is guaranteed to be a donkey because your door is either the car or the 2nd donkey and the same is true for the third door. By eliminating the one of the other two doors that is guaranteed to be a donkey, you are left with two doors, the one you picked and the third. Now, even though there are only two options left, the door you picked to start still has a 66% chance of being a donkey (1 out of 3), the elimination of the 2nd door doesn't change the constant. So by switching to the 3rd door (the one that wasn't eliminated) you actually double your chances of getting the car because since the 3rd option is eliminated, that door has a 66% chance of being the car.
Does that make sense?