Over time with attrition and police work. If you can't take them to the range and shoot them without getting them confiscated, and maybe there's some sort of trade in credit for a legal rifle, you'll bring the numbers down over time.
Not feasible. Even if you could get a confiscation bill passed, even if SCOTUS didn't urinate all over it 6-3, you would have all red states completely nullify and refuse to enforce. You'd have to massively expand the ATF by tens of thousands- an army, really, to go into states to do it themselves and go house to house of...who exactly? Dunno- only firearms records the feds have are those from gunstores who went outta business. And even if they figured out the deliberately opaque gun records system- there is still the "blue on blue" scenario for them to consider, in addition to garden variety violent resistance of the Tim Mcveigh type.
This plan will massively increase gun deaths over the short term and potentially be the tipping point into a hot civil war.
You see, this just isn't a realistic and workable scenario, so its not worth debating the merits or legality of this.
The trans shooter was carrying not an AR-15 as the press erroneously reported- the one she/he was wielding was a Keltec Sub-2000 9mm carbine. I know because I own one. A carbine is a light rifle that fires pistol bullets. The thing is basically a Glock 9mm with a 16 inch barrel and stock. So, in other words, not a weapon of war.
The only meaningful "weapons of war" (I guess "assault rifles" wasn't doing it anymore?) ban would have to ban every single type of semiautomatic firearm in existence, effectively getting rid of 95% of all weapons. Revolvers and pump action shotguns, bolt action rifles only thing left. That would be going all in, all the way.
Would it make you feel any better to know the mass shooting conducted recently in Raleigh was with a pump action 12- gauge?
The red line on that chart I posted earlier was when the ban was repealed.
Correlation is not causation.
I can tell you unequivocally you could purchase an "assault rifle" during the AWB. I purchased a MAK-90 7.62mm rifle. It was a ban legal version of an AK-47. What was the nature of this sorcery? Well- in order to ban something- you must quantify it. Well, they said that this type of weapon had any of the following features: folding stock, bipod, flash suppressor, pistol grip and yes even a bayonet lug for all those pesky drive by bayonettings we get. So the manufacturer made an AK-47 without any of those things and sold it with a stubby little 5 round magazine. So it just looked dumb, and I promptly went to a military surplus store and bought the 30 round mag. Same weapon. The end.
The rise in the shootings increases at that time probably due to several factors- increased use of SSRIs, incredibly realistic violent video games, internet streaming techlike YouTube coming on line where people can see and obsess over the Columbine shooting and all the other copy cats. The rise of social media around that time where every freak and degenerate can make common cause with strangers on the internet instead of sitting home alone accepting their shame and living lives of quiet desperation with their maladies.
So I'm not going to argue in favor of possessing powerful semiautomatic rifles on here- but I will point out some realities about what banning them would entail.