A pint of dark matter, please.
There's more where that came from.@kanadalainen, that's brilliant. I was really blown away when I read it, even after the fourth or fifth time. Never has #24 been rendered so well. I admit I was miffed when I posted a picture of myself in here and you complained that the thread was devolving down the "shitter", but you've more than redeemed yourself with this one.
Still not sure about the strange fish but I suppose that's part of the colour in this place.
Thank you for your literary tribute. Immortalized? I don't think so but certainly a legend to last a lunch time, as someone once wrote.
Coelacanth history on HFJets: basically its me yelling at the team to score. I ran out of expletives, and so exhorted them as "ye pack of salivating coelacanths".
It stuck somehow.
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