Another hot spot developing is Louisiana.
Trump basically echoed Cuomo today by suggesting a shutdown can't go on forever. Of course, he did it in his style so the more he tried to explain, the less coherent he became. Listen to Cuomo's press conference today (youtube) if you prefer the straightforward explanation. (Cuomo basically saying you would start with those who have recovered and the young being allowed to go back to a more normal life.) But both Trump and Cuomo appear correct that you can't just shut down the economy forever. There has to be a balance.
Which means more people will die.
Seems to me you try to hold down the curve for awhile, maybe through April and allow the manufacturing of ventilators, PPE, etc., to ramp up, along with more testing. But after that, we really have to find more of a balance.
It's really going to suck.
There was an editorial by 2 doctors in the Wall Street Journal who are treating patients with hydroxycholoroquine and azithromycin and basically said that though it isn't a cure-all, it does appear to make a difference. They said we can't wait for all the studies to be done months from now and they just have to let it rip. Article is behind a paywall, but another website had some excerpts: "We have a drug with an excellent safety profile but limited clinical outcomes—and no better alternatives until long after this disaster peaks. We can use this treatment to help save lives and prevent others from becoming infected. Or we can wait several weeks and risk discovering we didn’t do everything we could to end this pandemic as quickly as possible."
Interesting thing is they said it should be used on those with mild symptoms and on exposed healthcare providers with no symptoms: "Emergency rooms run the risk of one patient exposing a dozen nurses and doctors. Instead of exposed health workers getting placed on 14-day quarantine, they could receive hydroxychloroquine for five days, then test for the virus. That would allow health-care workers to return to work sooner if they test negative.”