HOH 2022-23 Project: Top-60 Pre-Merger Players of All-Time Pre-Discussion thread

I'm trying to fill in the blanks here. Does anyone have a copy of the Ultimate hockey retro awards lists? I would love a complete copy from 1900 onwards. I also know they did decade all-star teams, which I can't find.

I've had the book on order from the library for 2 weeks now and I'm still waiting.

Ultimate Hockey's 1890s Projected Hart, Norris, and Vezina Winners

1890 A. McNaughton
1891 A. Cameron
1892 R. Bradley
1893 H. Routh
1894 A. Swift
1895 H. Routh
1896 M. Grant
1897 B. McDougall
1898 M. Grant
1899 H. Trihey

1890 A. Cameron
1891 A. Cameron
1892 J. Stewart
1893 W. Young
1894 W. Young
1895 M. Grant
1896 M. Grant
1897 M. Grant
1898 M. Grant
1899 M. Grant

1890 T. Paton
1891 T. Paton
1892 A. Morel
1893 T. Paton
1894 H. Collins
1895 H. Collins
1896 F. Chittick
1897 F. Chittick
1898 H. Collins
1899 J. McKenna
I'm trying to fill in the blanks here. Does anyone have a copy of the Ultimate hockey retro awards lists? I would love a complete copy from 1900 onwards. I also know they did decade all-star teams, which I can't find.

I've had the book on order from the library for 2 weeks now and I'm still waiting.

Ultimate Hockey's 1890s Projected Hart, Norris, and Vezina Winners

1890 A. McNaughton
1891 A. Cameron
1892 R. Bradley
1893 H. Routh
1894 A. Swift
1895 H. Routh
1896 M. Grant
1897 B. McDougall
1898 M. Grant
1899 H. Trihey

1890 A. Cameron
1891 A. Cameron
1892 J. Stewart
1893 W. Young
1894 W. Young
1895 M. Grant
1896 M. Grant
1897 M. Grant
1898 M. Grant
1899 M. Grant

1890 T. Paton
1891 T. Paton
1892 A. Morel
1893 T. Paton
1894 H. Collins
1895 H. Collins
1896 F. Chittick
1897 F. Chittick
1898 H. Collins
1899 J. McKenna
I have a spare copy of the book I could just give you
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I'm trying to fill in the blanks here. Does anyone have a copy of the Ultimate hockey retro awards lists? I would love a complete copy from 1900 onwards. I also know they did decade all-star teams, which I can't find.

I've had the book on order from the library for 2 weeks now and I'm still waiting.

Ultimate Hockey's 1890s Projected Hart, Norris, and Vezina Winners

1890 A. McNaughton
1891 A. Cameron
1892 R. Bradley
1893 H. Routh
1894 A. Swift
1895 H. Routh
1896 M. Grant
1897 B. McDougall
1898 M. Grant
1899 H. Trihey

1890 A. Cameron
1891 A. Cameron
1892 J. Stewart
1893 W. Young
1894 W. Young
1895 M. Grant
1896 M. Grant
1897 M. Grant
1898 M. Grant
1899 M. Grant

1890 T. Paton
1891 T. Paton
1892 A. Morel
1893 T. Paton
1894 H. Collins
1895 H. Collins
1896 F. Chittick
1897 F. Chittick
1898 H. Collins
1899 J. McKenna

Also we should be very very very skeptical of these "awards"
Way back before I was a regular here (I think), I did like a game by game newspaper data dump of the 1915 (?) 1917 (?) NHA season from a Saskatoon newspaper that stumbled across at a job. I cannot find it, but I wonder if it would have anything useful in it...search doesn't seem to be working right now and google isn't helping...
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I'm curious on how some of this breaks down

Number of PCHA/WCHL players in comparison to NHA/NHL.

Number of pre 1900 vs 1900-1910 vs 1910-1926.

Goalies. Definitely developed slower than skaters, but that doesn't mean we should only have 5 goalies in a top 80.

Accounting for time missed in World War I.

How voters gauge longevity. Career lengths grew over time, so even a few year difference in birth year can dramatically change expected longevity.
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So looking through all my files, I have nearly complete game by game scans from multiple papers from some combination (and often from multiple) of the Daily Colonist, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Bulletin, Vancouver Province, Seattle Star & Oregon Daily Journal.

Highly unscientific but I took some time in my positions thread and the dishing the dirt thread reading all the summaries trying to make an "AST" based on game summaries. I'll keep filling out my records but for now.

1911-12 - Daily Colonist gives multiple mentions for:
(indicates position in the scoring race)
Ernie Johnson (12)
Hugh Lehman
Si Griffis (16)
Lester Patrick (11)
Alan Parr
Newsy Lalonde (1)
Bert Lindsay
Tommy Dunderdale (3)
Frank Patrick (4)

Not shockingly all 3 goalies get mentions. Lehman is noted explicitly as a star in just over half his games, Johnson gets the next most mentions. This tracks with the statistical record as New Westminster is a ludicrously dominant defensive team.

Didn't include the actual "team" whoops

Hugh LehmanGNew Westminder Royals
Lester PatrickPVictoria Senators
Ernie 'Moose' JohnsonCPNew Westminder Royals
Newsy LalondeRVancouver Millionaires
Skinner PoulinLWVictoria Senators
Don SmithCVictoria Senators
Ran McDonaldRWNew Westminder Royals
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I can actually do this pretty easily, what exactly do you mean? Like how many in a given season? Or how many PCHA vs NHA lifers?

How many end up on our lists. Certain voters will have a higher ratio of western players some will have a higher ratio of eastern players

In the top 100 some voters skew to a certain era or position. We will see it in PCHA/NHL split.
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I have better coverage, so my cut off is 4 mentions. Johnson has a tremendous reputation amongst western observers as a CP.


Taylor (6)
L.Patrick (5)
F.Patrick (2)
Dunderdale (1)
Prodgers (19)

Lester and Frank are largely even to western observers. Lester's big advantage is outright longevity. But we need to remember that most of Lester's gaudy scoring seasons out east came as a rover and not a CP/P.

Taylor's outright star power carries him in this first season despite it not being a particularly exceptional season for him.

Bert LindsayGVictoria Senators
Frank PatrickPVancouver Millionaires
Ernie JohnsonCPNew Westminder Royals
Fred TaylorRVancouver Millionaires
Jack McDonaldLWVancouver Millionaires
Tommy DunderdaleCVictoria Senators
Bobby RoweRWVictoria Senators
How many end up on our lists. Certain voters will have a higher ratio of western players some will have a higher ratio of eastern players

In the top 100 some voters skew to a certain era or position. We will see it in PCHA/NHL split.

I listed a couple pages ago the names that I think absolutely need to make our top 60 and that was 18ish names.

Edit: and those were predominately PCHA lifers
I'm on mobile and don't remember how to convert the old links, but this might be the NHA newspaper thread I was talking about... http://hfboards.com/showthread.php?t=792759

Though, I guess it's probably unlikely the images are still actively being hosted ten years later...if someone can check, I'll see if any of these files are still........anywhere...

EDIT: hmm, maybe it's not. I have only created like ten threads in the history of HoH...so maybe I dropped all of these newspaper clippings in an existing thread...? Searching seems to be broken on this site right now...oh well, sorry, I'll keep looking...
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Diving into the Manitoba league at the turn of the century. I didn't realize exactly how much rover Si Griffis was actually playing for Kenora.

Edit: Looking though it I think he was likely their rover until their cup winning season
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Diving into the Manitoba league at the turn of the century. I didn't realize exactly how much rover Si Griffis was actually playing for Kenora.

Edit: Looking though it I think he was likely their rover until their cup winning season

I remember reading about the Thistles in contemporary newspapers and one writer observed that their combination play was much improved with Griffis at cover point instead of rover, specifically because his replacement at rover was much better at combining with the forwards. Once the speed of their passing caught up to the speed of their skating, the Thistles were that much stronger as a team.

This was over 10 years ago so I don’t remember the source, I think it may have been an eastern newspaper comparing the 1907 Thistles to the 1905 version, possibly with notes from a western writer who was more familiar with the team. My take-away was that young Si Griffis was a great skater and puck rusher but maybe not a great playmaker.
The Ultimate Hockey Awards 1887-1903

1887 J. Campbell
1888 J. Campbell
1889 T. Paton
1890 A. McNaughton
1891 A. Cameron
1892 R. Bradley
1893 H. Routh
1894 A. Swift
1895 H. Routh
1896 M. Grant
1897 B. McDougall
1898 M. Grant
1899 H. Trihey
1900 H. Trihey
1901 R. Bowie
1902 A. Hooper
1903 R. Bowie

1887 A. Cameron
1888 J. Campbell
1889 A. Cameron
1890 A. Cameron
1891 A. Cameron
1892 J. Stewart
1893 W. Young
1894 W. Young
1895 M. Grant
1896 M. Grant
1897 M. Grant
1898 M. Grant
1899 M. Grant
1900 H. Stuart
1901 H. Pulford
1902 H. Stuart
1903 D. Boone

1887 T. Arnton
1888 T. Paton
1889 T. Paton
1890 T. Paton
1891 T. Paton
1892 A. Morel
1893 T. Paton
1894 H. Collins
1895 H. Collins
1896 F. Chittick
1897 F. Chittick
1898 H. Collins
1899 J. McKenna
1900 J. Hutton
1901 J. Hutton
1902 J. Hutton
B Nicholson
1903 B. Nicholson

After 1903 awards are split between leagues, here they are 1904 until 1926.

CAHL R. Bowie
FAHL J. Marshall
CAHL R. Bowie
FAHL P. LeSueur
ECAHA E. Russell
FAHL A. Prevost
ECAHA T. Phillips
OPHL E. Lalonde
ECAHA M. Walsh
OPHL T. Smith
NHA F. Taylor
OPHL O. Frood
NHA M. Walsh
OPHL T. Smith
NHA E. Ronan
PCHA E. Lalonde
NHA J. Malone
PCHA E. Johnson
NHA E. Lalonde
PCHA T. Dunderdale
NHA T. Smith
PCHA M. MacKay
NHA E. Lalonde
PCHA E. Johnson
NHA F. Nighbor
PCHA G. Roberts
NHA J. Malone
PCHA F. Taylor
NHL E. Lalonde
PCHA F. Taylor
NHL J. Malone
PCHA F. Foyston
NHL B. Dye
PCHA F. Foyston
NHL F. Nighbor
PCHA H. Holmes
WCHL D. Keats
NHL C. Benedict
PCHA M. MacKay
WCHL E. Lalonde
NHL F. Nighbor
No western awards are noted in the book

CAHL E. O'Brien
FAHL B. Strachan
CAHL H. Pulford
FAHL H. Pulford
ECAHA R. Kennedy
FAHL J. Marks
ECAHA H. Stuart
FAHL A. Lambert
OPHL J. Marks
ECAHA F. Taylor
OPHL P. Charlton
NHA F. Taylor
OPHL B. Baird
NHA F. Taylor
OPHL G. McNamara
NHA A. Ross
PCHA E. Johnson
NHA S. Cleghorn
PCHA E. Johnson
NHA H. Cameron
PCHA E. Johnson
NHA S. Cleghorn
PCHA L. Patrick
NHA E. Lalonde
PCHA E. Johnson
NHA S. Cleghorn
PCHA E. Johnson
NHA H. Cameron
PCHA L. Cook
NHL H. Cameron
PCHA A. Duncan
NHL S. Cleghorn
PCHA B. Rowe
NHL E. Gerard
PCHA L. Cook
NHL G. Boucher
PCHA W. Loughlin
WCHL J. Simpson
NHL G. Boucher
PCHA L. Cook
WCHL J. Simpson
NHL G. Boucher
PCHA A. Duncan
WCHL R. Dutton
NHL S. Cleghorn
WCHL H Gardiner
NHL G. Boucher
WHL R. Dutton
H. Gardiner

CAHL P. Moran
FAHL B. Nicholson
CAHL N. Frye
FAHL D. Finnie
ECAHA H. Menard
FAHL P. LeSueur
FAHL J. Hunter
OPHL Ellis (No first name or record online that I can find)
OPHL H. Lehman
NHA R. Hern
OPHL H. Lehman
NHA G. Vezina
OPHL J. Jones
NHA G. Vezina
PCHA H. Lehman
NHA P. Moran
PCHA B. Lindsay
NHA H. Holmes
G. Vezina
PCHA B. Lindsay
NHA C. Benedict
PCHA H. Lehman
NHA C. Benedict
PCHA T. Murray
NHA C. Benedict
PCHA H. Holmes
NHA G. Vezina
PCHA H. Lehman
NHL C. Benedict
PCHA H. Holmes
NHL C. Benedict
PCHA H. Holmes
NHL C. Benedict
PCHA H. Holmes
NHL C. Benedict
PCHA H. Holmes
NHL C. Benedict
PCHA N. Fowler
WCHL H. Winkler
NHL G. Vezina
PCHA H. Lehman
WCHL McCusker (no first name)
NHL G. Vezina
WCHL H. Holmes
NHL A. Connell
WHL H. Holmes

I haven't dug into the actual book itself yet, but it looks like there's lots of material on early hockey. I was hoping for some more background on why he gave out awards to each player, but it's just a list. Far from canon, but still very interesting to see.

There are a few guys without first names listed, and I can't verify any data about them.

Here are Weir's All-Decade Teams
P: Allan Cameron
CP: Mike Grant
R: Dolly Swift
LW: Dan Bain
C: Harry Trihey
RW: Haviland Routh
G: Tom Paton

P: Harvey Pulford
CP: Hod Stuart
R: Russell Bowie
C: Frank McGee
LW: Tommy Phillips
RW: Alf Smith
G: Bouse Hutton

D: Sprague Cleghorn
D: Ernie Johnson
R: Cyclone Taylor
LW: Gordie Roberts
C: Newsy Lalonde
RW: Didier Pitre
G: Georges Vezina

D. Georges Boucher
D. Red Dutton
LW: Aurel Joliat
C: Howie Morenz
RW: Babe Dye
G: Clint Benedict

Everything is done by hand so please note any errors and I will update.

Most UH Selections by position
S. Cleghorn - 5
E. Johnson - 5
M. Grant - 5
A. Cameron - 4
G. Boucher - 4
H. Stuart - 3
F. Taylor - 3
H. Pulford - 3
H. Cameron - 3

C. Benedict - 8
H. Holmes - 8
G. Vezina - 6
H. Lehman - 6
T. Paton - 5
B. Nicholson - 3

E. Lalonde - 6
R. Bowie - 4
F. Taylor - 3
J. Malone - 3
T. Smith - 3
F. Nighbor - 3

Season by season, what looks off?
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Season by season, what looks off?

I'm not convinced that Mike Grant should have won every "retro Norris" over Harvey Pulford in 5 straight seasons. Pulford, despite essentially never scoring, played for many more seasons than Grant. This is indicative of his contributions outside of offense (i.e. defense). Given that there were a couple of seasons where Grant scored only one goal (1894-95 and and 1897-98), my hunch would be that Pulford would have been at least as valuable as Grant over those two seasons.

Grant was one of the earliest "rushing defensemen", so perhaps his style was more appealing. The Victorias were also the Cup champions every season that Grant won his "retro Norrises", so there might be a "Cup winner" factor in play as well.

Also, Nighbor could have probably won the retro Harts in 1918-19 and 1919-20 over Lalonde and Malone respectively, but that's just me.

So my tally would be for retro Harts: 5 for Lalonde and Nighbor, and 2 for Malone (which "feels" more representative of their actual historical impact). As for retro Norrises: 4 or 5 for Pulford and 3 or 4 for Grant.
I'm not convinced that Mike Grant should have won every "retro Norris" over Harvey Pulford in 5 straight seasons. Pulford, despite essentially never scoring, played for many more seasons than Grant. This is indicative of his contributions outside of offense (i.e. defense). Given that there were a couple of seasons where Grant scored only one goal (1894-95 and and 1897-98), my hunch would be that Pulford would have been at least as valuable as Grant over those two seasons.

Grant was one of the earliest "rushing defensemen", so perhaps his style was more appealing. The Victorias were also the Cup champions every season that Grant won his "retro Norrises", so there might be a "Cup winner" factor in play as well.
I'm not completely through the 1890's, so I cant comment too much on the Pulford vs Grant debate, but I don't think the "rushing defenseman" thing is quite accurate.

While rushes from the point position do seem to be quite rare, game reports from contemporary newspapers describe coverpoints rushing quite often- Campbell (who should be on people's lists, IMO) for the Victorias is the first one that really seemed to get a lot of press for it, Cameron gets some nods, Weldy Young (who should also be on people's lists, IMO) gets some press, etc. I'm not quite at Grant's prime, so maybe he did it more often, but after having done a bunch of reading, he's not the first to be well-known for it (despite that being the popular opinion).

Since I mentioned Cameron- I know he gets a lot of credit (Iain's model has him rated well, Ultimate Hockey gives him a bunch of awards), but I'm not terribly impressed at this point. He doesn't get the same level of press per game (I'll get into that in a second) as guys like Campbell and Young, and- particularly in his mid-to-late career- gets mentioned for penalties more than other players. He was a very likely a good player on a great team, but I don't know if he is what made that team great. Stewart (the point on those M.A.A.A. teams) is another guy who I think gets too much credit.

Returning to press-per-game- I think part of the issue with the 1880's and early 1890's is that it was a challenge style "league", so players on different teams weren't playing anywhere near the same amount of games. In 1891, for example, M.A.A.A. played 8 games- the other teams (Ottawa Hockey Club, Montreal Shamrocks, Montreal Victorias, Montreal Crescents, and Quebec Hockey Club) played 1, 2, 2, 2, and 1, respectively, in AHAC play. Naturally the M.A.A.A. players are going to be getting more mentions and are going to be accruing more stats. Newspaper writers are going to be more familiar with the M.A.A.A. players, and may be more inclined to write more glowingly about them. As a result, I'm trying to look at press-per game instead of just raw mentions. I'm also more interested in the summaries of the best players of each game than I am about player X making a nice rush in this game or that game, or player Y being a stalwart in goal for a game. I'm also more interested in comments like "made one of his famous rushes", as this means this player was well known for rushing. Individual acts in games may be of interest for an ATD bio (and certainly enough mentions of a particular act over multiple games or seasons does build a picture of both a player's abilities and playing style), but for measuring greatness, I think a bigger picture view is more valuable. Please feel free to let me know if anyone thinks I'm off base here.

As an aside, it is interesting (to me, at least) that, coverpoint appears to be the "star" position in the 1880s-1890s. Maybe I'm reading to much into it or am being biased by my interest in some of the players, but it is the coverpoints who get the most press, who get the most credit for impacting the games, even if they are not the ones doing a lot of the scoring. Indeed, what strikes me as particularly strange is that the players who do a lot of scoring often don't get mentioned- or don't get special mention, at least- when the reporter is summing up the stars/impact players of the game. I don't know if that is because it is assumed that a guy who scored 4 goals had a good game, thus he doesn't need to be mentioned, or what, but I find it odd every time. McNaughton in particular had that one dominant scoring season (1890, where he had double the goals as the next nearest player, and 3 times as many as the nearest non-teammate... though of course the games-played thing comes into play there), but the game reports don't mention him all that much (comparatively) outside of saying things like he did the needful and made some fancy rushes. Was he a star, or was he just the guy that finished the combination plays? A guy like A. Hogdson didn't score nearly as much, but he gets noted for rushes as well and gets credit for things like checking. It honestly seems like writers often preferred Hogdson's game to McNaughton's. Is this a Toews vs Crosby thing? Am I reading too much or too little into certain details? I don't know... but I thought I would share.

Another issue with the AHAC is that seasons were so short, so small sample size is a serious issue. Some (though certainly not all) well-respected players also played only a couple (less than 7) seasons, so while they lack longevity, they were considered among the best when they played. How do we deal with a player who only played for 5 years- which really isn't that short of a career for the time- and only 2-8 games per season, but who received a lot of good press? Bradley from Ottawa is someone who I think this applies to in particular.

Injuries were also a big issue- Herbie Scott from Quebec, for example, is described several times in 1892 and 1893 as one of Canada's best (among all players by The Ottawa Journal; among forwards by The Montreal Star), but seems to have dealt with knee problems, so he missed a lot of time. Longer seasons would have helped give him time to recover and actually play a meaningful amount of games, but that wasn't a thing back then. He obviously doesn't make this list (you have to play the games), but this impacts how I view the other forwards of the era- in such a small talent pool, one of the best players at the position was perpetually injured, so how should we rate the other forwards? Guys who were maybe less talented but stayed healthy? In the modern era I think we go with the healthy guy, because there is enough talent to be able to say "yeah, this guy was still really, really good". But when there were pretty much only 6-8 "high-level" teams in the world at the time, can we really say that the healthy guy was an all-time great? Maybe... it's another thing I'm working through.

I feel like I'm rambling at this point, haha, so I'll end this post here.
I'll post a list of top players from each AHAC season once I finish going through the seasons (an all-star team is the goal, but I don't know if that's particularly useful for some of the seasons due to the above-mentioned games-played discrepancies), but just to keep this thread near the top- another player who, at least based on his AHAC time, is Bert Russell. Hockey Historysis did a post on him here. I'm probably not going to get into the WPHL to look at his decline, but I think he was a stronger player for Ottawa than the model suggests.

In the interest of full disclosure, I definitely don't have all the information that is out there- for one, I don't read French well, so those papers are pretty much inaccessible for me (if newspapers.com even has French-language papers from the era, I don't know). Luckily there were a couple English-language Montreal papers that covered (most of) the games, and of course the Ottawa papers are useful. I do worry that I may not be getting a "full" picture of the Quebec players, since I don't have a home paper for them, but there isn't a lot I can do about that at the moment. The guy from Quebec that I think may have a chance at the list is Swift, but the Montreal and Ottawa papers don't spend a bunch of time discussing the Quebec team in general. Secondly- I'm sure I'm missing game reports from even the English-language papers. Some of the scans are in pretty rough shape, the search terms aren't being read even if they are present in the article. If I had more time I could just go to each paper for the days after each game (and maybe I will, depending on how long this stage of the product continues), but I'll have to think about whether that will be more beneficial than looking at another league.
I'll post a list of top players from each AHAC season once I finish going through the seasons (an all-star team is the goal, but I don't know if that's particularly useful for some of the seasons due to the above-mentioned games-played discrepancies), but just to keep this thread near the top- another player who, at least based on his AHAC time, is Bert Russell. Hockey Historysis did a post on him here. I'm probably not going to get into the WPHL to look at his decline, but I think he was a stronger player for Ottawa than the model suggests.

In the interest of full disclosure, I definitely don't have all the information that is out there- for one, I don't read French well, so those papers are pretty much inaccessible for me (if newspapers.com even has French-language papers from the era, I don't know). Luckily there were a couple English-language Montreal papers that covered (most of) the games, and of course the Ottawa papers are useful. I do worry that I may not be getting a "full" picture of the Quebec players, since I don't have a home paper for them, but there isn't a lot I can do about that at the moment. The guy from Quebec that I think may have a chance at the list is Swift, but the Montreal and Ottawa papers don't spend a bunch of time discussing the Quebec team in general. Secondly- I'm sure I'm missing game reports from even the English-language papers. Some of the scans are in pretty rough shape, the search terms aren't being read even if they are present in the article. If I had more time I could just go to each paper for the days after each game (and maybe I will, depending on how long this stage of the product continues), but I'll have to think about whether that will be more beneficial than looking at another league.

If you have a specific French paper and date you want me to translate, let me know. Like if there was an event of some sort, or a big game or series you want me to look at the surrounding dates.

For now I haven't yet restarted diving into newspapers.

Do we have a timeline for when the project will start?
If you have a specific French paper and date you want me to translate, let me know. Like if there was an event of some sort, or a big game or series you want me to look at the surrounding dates.

For now I haven't yet restarted diving into newspapers.

Do we have a timeline for when the project will start?
Thanks, I appreciate the offer! I'll definitely reach out here in a bit with some questions/ideas.

As for the timeline- I don't know, that's a good question. I would imagine not until after the holiday season, at the earliest. What are your thoughts on a timeline, @seventieslord ?
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Thanks, I appreciate the offer! I'll definitely reach out here in a bit with some questions/ideas.

As for the timeline- I don't know, that's a good question. I would imagine not until after the holiday season, at the earliest. What are your thoughts on a timeline, @seventieslord ?
How about we start accepting submissions over the christmas holidays? Like, on the 21st? And the final date for submissions can be accepted until January 5th.

I think that as people start to really put pen to paper and make lists, they'll have things they want to question and discuss, which should help keep discussion going over the next month.
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I'm well into my list now, and have completed a top 55ish. Though my confidence on my top 30 is much much higher than 30-55.

There are quite a few players with very short careers that I really struggle to place. Harry Trihey only played 38 club games including playoffsand retired at age 23.
But he was elite while he played and ended up in the HHOF.

His longevity isn't outrageously short amongst peers, but is compared to players born only 20 years later.
I'm well into my list now, and have completed a top 55ish. Though my confidence on my top 30 is much much higher than 30-55.

There are quite a few players with very short careers that I really struggle to place. Harry Trihey only played 38 club games including playoffsand retired at age 23.
But he was elite while he played and ended up in the HHOF.

His longevity isn't outrageously short amongst peers, but is compared to players born only 20 years later.
IIRC, Trihey suffered a hand injury that led to his early retirement, so there's a possibility that the HHOF considered that as a reasonable explanation for a shorter career.


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