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Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
There's very few genres that you couldn't turn into a good Star Wars game honestly, it's a disaster how few really good ones there are.

Star Wars has ignored the rules of space as long as it's existed though. The X-Wings literally bank like they're in air and everything makes sound. Everything functions as if they're flying on a planet, including all of the ships always showing up with the same orientation.

It just isn't that kind of series. It's not even really sci fi, it's popcorn fantasy that happens to be in space.
I’m talking about other space movies and shows.

Star Wars has created its own random shit and lives within it. That’s fine. Being consistent is fine within that framework.

Watched a series on Netflix I missed over the last decade — Travelers…highly recommend even though it is Canadian lol
Hey I’m a massive SG Atlantis fan since day one. I had no idea it was Canadian until season 2 and I looked on IMDb and was like oh.

Star Wars is samurai movies for people that get weirded out by sushi.
The irony is Lucas ripped off Samurai movies and Flash Gordon.

Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
Oh I'm well aware. :laugh:
I will list positives about the 3 new additions to the franchise just so Gurglewads can relax and CargoCrocs can be proud of me (Ogre).

  • Incredible visuals, the best of any of the movies made previously.
  • Lightsabers looked way better, the glow and the movement didn't seem weird in these or cartoony.
  • BB8 was adorable.
  • Poe had a really cool jacket.
  • The Stormtrooper variations were bad ass and the helmets were kick ass. Probably the best they ever looked.
  • Better space battle scenes and ships
  • Kylo Ren was the coolest character the franchise has ever come up with, mostly due to the best actor possible that could pull off such a role with depth and acting ability, easily one of the best things about the 3 movies was how awesome Kylo Ren/Ben Solo was in that whole thing, his turmoil, his battle with the light and dark, his uneasiness with the whole thing and his redemption arc was just awesome.

PS - The Expanse is easily the best Scifi show ever made (also great books), imo. I adore Firefly even if it was created by an absolute piece of shit, also for me the 2nd best Scifi show after Expanse is Stargate Atlantis, then Firefly. Because I mean, Rodney went from an annoying wanker to a bad ass later on and Shephard will always be one of my fav's. Also I think it was the best acting Jason Momoa has ever done.

Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
Leaving aside the fact that he's a sex criminal and generally horrible human being, I simply cannot get over how badly Joss Whedon writes dialogue. He is a cancerous polyp on the English language.
He's very f***ing pathetic. The worst parts of Avengers that he did was the cringey sexist shit and it's not like he can even hide from it with his whole bs about he was made to be an example because he did the same with DC with the Wonder Woman lasso of truth scene. Then the dollhouse show in general was some perverse fantasy he conjured up and wanted it played out and he tortured and verbally abused a promising young actress. He had a pattern of it from Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse, Marvel and DC. f*** that loser.

I still love Firefly for the nostalgia of it all but I am at peace with the notion that he created it but didn't write it all and others wrote a ton more than he did for the show.

Some cases it is a hit job and it's obvious, like Hammer, Westwick, Hardwick, etc. Now Gaiman is getting raked over the coals and his seems very fishy. I'm all for victims voices being heard but when they are anonymous I feel like the allegations should be dealt that way too, both victim and accused should be anonymous and dealt with legally. Because you never get your career back when you're innocent.

Then there's just shitty human beings that are hailed as heroes and idols - Billy Murray, Chevy Chase, Brad Pitt, etc. Roman Polanski and Woody Allen being praised as directors is pretty f***ing gross.

Ps- Snyder, Zack Snyder I mean, is a f***ing loser as well. Bloke made an entire movie about rape fantasy and genuinely gets off on the toxic behavior of his Snyderverse deranged f***wads.
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A real jerk thing
Nov 9, 2005
Praha, CZ
I thought Gaiman was an open secret for years, like Warren Ellis (the comic book guy, not the Bad Seed multi-instrumentalist)? So I'm honestly not super surprised that these rumors are getting traction because people had been talking about him as a borderline sex creep for years in the film and comics industries.

Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
Wasn’t sure what to expect as those types of movies can turn to 💩 real quick but I liked it a lot. Some good support cast too.
Cabin in the Woods was fun because it was a parody of Cabin in the woods horror/slasher tropes (duh hence the name right and the archetypes of the characters) and the twist was good enough to sustain it as a solid movie from start to finish. Drew Goddard also being a very good director probably helped a ton. Drew also co-wrote that one.

But then again I was talking about his shows.

Because his Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie was also good and his additions to Speed was also solid. Same for Serenity. He also wrote the screenplay or added to it for Titan AE and Atlantis (animated). I think he even helped for Toy Story and one of the Aliens movies. I think the Speed one was uncredited but it's been established now. He directed some, was a hired script fixer for others.

It's this megalomaniac issue with him. The more famous he got, the more those behaviors started to pop up. He was told he was good and he was obsessed with his own stink. He craved power and domination and would just be super f***ing creepy with younger female cast members and straight up misogynistic with others. Common theme with him was treating women like shit and a sexual object and it bled into his writing for quite a bit.

Speaking of Goddard, what an underrated writer. Has done a lot of solid writing in Hollywood for the vast majority of his career. Goddard wrote most of not all of Season 5 for Angel and Season 7 of Buffy. Seems he was a close mate of Joss.

Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
The amount of sexual assault in Hollywood by directors/writers etc is insane. The fact that so many kept on working after while others were so old by the time they got caught that it didn't even matter anymore.

Seems like every year it's someone new. Cronenberg, Gaiman, etc. Bryan Singer kept getting away with his shit for over a decade before it was finally too much. But I mean holy f***, patterns much? Then on the other end, I get what Bridget Bardot was saying too, how it went both ways, some of the ones accusing knew the game and played it to get the roles they wanted and then cried foul when the me too movement was off and running at its peak.

James Franco is an epic piece of shit. What he did and orchestrated just to take advantage of women should have landed him in jail for years. f*** that bloke forever and always. What a f***ing twat.

Real winners protecting each other: Avi Lerner going to bat for Singer, Allen, Weinstein, Polanski, Ratner...I bet Epstein was their best mate.
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Registered User
Nov 14, 2007
Then there's just shitty human beings that are hailed as heroes and idols - Billy Murray, Chevy Chase, Brad Pitt, etc. Roman Polanski and Woody Allen being praised as directors is pretty f***ing gross.

Ps- Snyder, Zack Snyder I mean, is a f***ing loser as well. Bloke made an entire movie about rape fantasy and genuinely gets off on the toxic behavior of his Snyderverse deranged f***wads.
Men (being one) are forever attracted to beautiful women (same for degenerate filth, maybe even worse with homosexual stuff - for whatever reasons) but anywhere you have people with money, power positions, and a quid-pro-quo / casting couch environment, what do you expect to happen. Human beings unchecked are monsters. Human beings with power (perceived or actual) and unchecked at that are dangerous monsters.
If you really want to wreck your head... just imagine what goes on with the real deep dark satanic / sexual cult stuff that you'll never hear about. It's a sick world.
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Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
Men (being one) are forever attracted to beautiful women (same for degenerate filth, maybe even worse with homosexual stuff - for whatever reasons) but anywhere you have people with money, power positions, and a quid-pro-quo / casting couch environment, what do you expect to happen. Human beings unchecked are monsters. Human beings with power (perceived or actual) and unchecked at that are dangerous monsters.
If you really want to wreck your head... just imagine what goes on with the real deep dark satanic / sexual cult stuff that you'll never hear about. It's a sick world.
Men assaulting men was also one of the things that went on during me too but never got enough attention. There's a lot of those me too cases that were tit for tat and embarrassment lead to allegations vs just accepting that some happily played along and exploited it for their own gain as well. Should that have even been a thing? No. But it also showed there's a darker side to all of this where not everyone is fully guilty or innocent.

Singer sexually assaulting young men etc, Ritchsons story as well as Brendan Fraser and others talking about what happened to them. There's that famous designer as well as P Diddy etc.

It boils down to some people are just vile. Peter Scully, the Furuta killers, Ian Watkins etc - men and women have shown in the course of history that disgusting and vile behavior isn't exclusive to either gender.

Buddy Bizarre

Registered User
Jul 9, 2021
Men assaulting men was also one of the things that went on during me too but never got enough attention. There's a lot of those me too cases that were tit for tat and embarrassment lead to allegations vs just accepting that some happily played along and exploited it for their own gain as well. Should that have even been a thing? No. But it also showed there's a darker side to all of this where not everyone is fully guilty or innocent.

Singer sexually assaulting young men etc, Ritchsons story as well as Brendan Fraser and others talking about what happened to them. There's that famous designer as well as P Diddy etc.

It boils down to some people are just vile. Peter Scully, the Furuta killers, Ian Watkins etc - men and women have shown in the course of history that disgusting and vile behavior isn't exclusive to either gender.

I mean didn't Family Guy touch on these predators eons before they became to light? It's a culture of protectiveness that goes on in Hollywood. And it makes me laugh bc CA has these delusions where they believe a Utopia of some sort is being built by having all these social programs. Yet the monsters that prey on the most vulnerable run around unchecked and are the first to donate to these kinds of causes. The hypocrisy of the mega rich/famous make me chuckle.
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Registered User
Jan 24, 2006
Victoria, BC
So pops refuses to go to hospital, he almost can't even sit anymore and all he does is poop all day long. His butt is pure pain, poops his pants on the regular because he can't hold it anymore. He can't even drive now it hurts, but he does not wanna get checked out and I am just sitting here getting angry. I can't force him to go. He's 69. getting worse and worse. He also barely eats, give him food and he almost throws it up. He eats fruits though but he needs more then that.
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Registered User
Dec 18, 2009
Joshua Tree, CA
I mean didn't Family Guy touch on these predators eons before they became to light? It's a culture of protectiveness that goes on in Hollywood. And it makes me laugh bc CA has these delusions where they believe a Utopia of some sort is being built by having all these social programs. Yet the monsters that prey on the most vulnerable run around unchecked and are the first to donate to these kinds of causes. The hypocrisy of the mega rich/famous make me chuckle.

California is responsible for SA.

See Penn State University.

Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
California is responsible for SA.

See Penn State University.
Church says hold my wafer and wine, lemme tell you about them "sultry" boys.

Residential schools in not just Canada but also Australia, India etc where this stuff also happened.

People suck. It's probably why Aliens are like "make contact with these idiots? Their stupid might be contagious."
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Randy Butternubs

Registered User
Mar 15, 2008
So pops refuses to go to hospital, he almost can't even sit anymore and all he does is poop all day long. His butt is pure pain, poops his pants on the regular because he can't hold it anymore. He can't even drive now it hurts, but he does not wanna get checked out and I am just sitting here getting angry. I can't force him to go. He's 69. getting worse and worse. He also barely eats, give him food and he almost throws it up. He eats fruits though but he needs more then that.

That's pretty terrible. Maybe try to frame it in a way that shows how much a burden this is? Otherwise...???

I'm slow this morning- what is "SA"?

Sexual assault.

Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
So pops refuses to go to hospital, he almost can't even sit anymore and all he does is poop all day long. His butt is pure pain, poops his pants on the regular because he can't hold it anymore. He can't even drive now it hurts, but he does not wanna get checked out and I am just sitting here getting angry. I can't force him to go. He's 69. getting worse and worse. He also barely eats, give him food and he almost throws it up. He eats fruits though but he needs more then that.
What your pops is doing is telling you what he thinks of Mike Sullivan and FSG by his actions.

He's saying they're shit, they'll always be shit and all they deserve is shit.

Also, your pops needs a balanced diet, he's going to poop himself to death. Also is he diabetic? He definitely needs to see a doctor, because there could be some serious issues if he can't even hold it anymore, while 69 (noice) does seem old, it really isn't and he might be suffering from something else that's causing it, he needs to get over his stubbornness about seeing a Doctor. Is there any other way you can get him to a Doctor? Like trick the dude, get a visit to the home?
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Registered User
Jan 24, 2006
Victoria, BC
What your pops is doing is telling you what he thinks of Mike Sullivan and FSG by his actions.

He's saying they're shit, they'll always be shit and all they deserve is shit.

Also, your pops needs a balanced diet, he's going to poop himself to death. Also is he diabetic? He definitely needs to see a doctor, because there could be some serious issues if he can't even hold it anymore, while 69 (noice) does seem old, it really isn't and he might be suffering from something else that's causing it, he needs to get over his stubbornness about seeing a Doctor. Is there any other way you can get him to a Doctor? Like trick the dude, get a visit to the home?
In ER now. I’ll find out what it is eventually. Took several people to clean him, kept pooping and pooping and soiled 2 garbage bags.
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