Don't think I mentioned this in here, but it's looking very likely I'll be moving back to the east coast either late this year or early next year. Granted I thought this was going to happen back in June and it didn't end up happening, so fingers crossed it works out
The new job is located in Rockville, MD, which is only about a 4 hour drive to Pittsburgh and looks really nice from what I can tell. I interviewed with this company once before, I didn't get that initial job but they said "please apply for a new position when you see one that fits". I then re-applied to a new position and the interviews have gone great, the hiring manager flat out said "I don't need to ask any questions, I know my answer" when I had my interview with him and another manager.
Seattle has a lot of amazing nature and outdoorsy things to do, but I've really become jaded on the city as a whole. The city is just super expensive and pretty not nice, and that's me being polite about it. Granted I never did a good job at establishing a social bubble out here beyond my adult league teammates and a few coworkers, but it's just not a city I look at super fondly at this point.