Wasn't sure exactly where to post this thread, but I've been thinking and had to share a silly idea of mine...
If you really think about it...."comments" here are like games played, and the"likes" are like the goals and assists(pts).
IMO...if you have at least a 1/.5 pt per game(comment/like) ratio, that should be considered "league average" if you will. 1/1-1/1.5 should be considered good to very good depending on the # of "games played"(comments). 1/2 is elite status. All-star/first team all-HFboards material. And again this goes in line with # of comments for obvious reasons. The more the better. I'd say 25,000+ comments with a 1/2 comment/like ratio should put you in the conversation for league MVP. And anyone at 1/3 and beyond is a prodigy, and if they reach 30,000 comments with a 1/3+ comment/like ratio then they are officially in the "generational" conversation, among the best of the best to ever post at HFboards.
1/.5-1/.25 = below average
1/.25-1/,15 = bad to very bad
1/.15 and under = worst in the league territory
I might be off on this, idk. This is tough to pinpoint. But I'd be curious to see some of the top ranking posters/the poster with the best "stats".