GDT: Hcanes @ Bhawks or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Martin Necas


Reprehensible User
Sep 18, 2008
Washington, DC.
I’m pulling a @bleedgreen and a few others who do this often, I’ve been watching the opposing team broadcasts. I like the vibe and the call overall but the PBP has said “Sean Drury” several times tonight, and just now said that Brent Burns “signed a massive free agent contract in the offseason with Carolina.”
Well, when you dump your HoF broadcaster for the cheapo option...

Seriously, Mike's timing has gotten a lot better and he's never made those factual mistakes. Confused player numbers, sure, but JORDAN! 2-0!

anyway, Mike's prep work is at least very much up to par. Sounds like those chucklef***s, not so much.


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