I disagree. He was benched after he was too busy yelling at Pettersson to take away a passing lane from the guy he was supposed to be defending. He’s had a bunch of boneheaded plays before and after that but never gotten benched. I don’t think the situations are really comparable.
I mean, that play wasn't an 'effort' issue. He was engaged fine but got mixed up on the coverage rotation. If something like that was worth a benching Tyler Myers would get benched 30 times a year. And going 'Petey, Petey!' is hardly some sort of mortal sin.
And it isn't like Pettersson isn't prone to this stuff, too. There was a play in the playoffs last year that sticks out where he turned the puck over on the near-side boards for a 2-on-1 and just stood there watching it instead of getting on his horse.
Boeser has had plenty of controller-disconnect moments under Tocchet, too.
Miller has been handled differently from everyone else by Tocchet.
I've mostly stayed out of this but I'd be curious to hear what your issue is with the Edge data?
All it does is tell you that some of his performance metrics are down. It doesn't tell you *why*. The Petey supporters have leaped to 'this PROVES hes's hurt' when it could just as easily mean the guy isn't engaged and competing as hard as usual and not putting himself into the red zone as often as when he's 'on'.
We only have seasonal data instead of game-by-game data and we can sort-of-see that the numbers are also down in 20-21 when he looked identical to this for a half-season with no knee tendonitis issues and if that's the case then we would know that it isn't injury related. But without game-by-game you can't prove that either. So in the end it tells us nothing aside from confirming that he's playing bad which our eyes were already telling us.