Another BS rule
I can’t golf at a distance with buddies but
my wife can sit on a transit bus for 45 minutes in an enclosed area with multiple strangers every day.... yeah makes perfect sense to me
When is enough is enough of all this bull shit ?? How long are the people going to allow governments and officials who are getting paid full time, to shut down and close down businesses ?? This whole Virus thing has gotten way out of hand -- way, way out of hand.
How far can people and businesses be pushed to their limits before we start to see demonstrations, and some rioting maybe ?? I hope we do, and I hope politicians get the message. I'd love to attend a Giant "mask burning" party -- it would make my day.
Why even have a Vaccine, if it's not going to be respected as a cure ?? It's time to move on and get lives and businesses back to normal. I would have hated to be a kid, and brought up to think my fellow man, and women were all "diseased" and that I should wear a bloody mask, and not shake hands with friends etc. Governments are sending the wrong message to people, and it's time something happened.
I was listening to this guy from Norway, and he was saying masks have always been voluntary, and everyone is OK there, and he can't understand the way our western societies have shut down ? - I agree.
As Eyeseeing says here -- his wife can sit in an enclosed bus ?? so why would they allow that ?? My Barber owns a little Hair Shop, and has endured some very financially hard times. Also as Jets 31 says, his golf club lost huge money -- like $ 800,000, and climbing. Why are we allowing this to happen ??
When will the people finally say -- "we've had enough" -- no more masks, no more social distancing etc -- people have been vaccinated, and this game must STOP. I'm all for putting an end to this.