Reverend Mayhem
Tell me all your thoughts on God
This is the first time I’ve ever seen Hughes that low, almost dead last. Cant say I disagree.
I’m amazed how damn accurate this chart is with the eye test.
I'd say minus the nuance, and on a macro scale, it lines up 90% with my eyes. I can't speak to how it measures the small details to make up the whole, but the whole is very accurate.
Looked like he was stunned for a second there that he hit the post, but once he realized it he busted back hard. Sadly, he's not the fastest guy to begin with.
These are professional athletes, so going from a mindset of "f***, I hit the post!" to "oh f***, I gotta go back!" in under 1 second is incredible. Some guys I play takes them a solid 3 or 4 count to get there. By then, it's a moot point to even try. As pointed out, a guy with a stronger stride would have no problem catch him and I think it's admirable Brock nearly had him.