Ok so I’ve been hanging out here enough I figure I should do this.
Name: Stephanie
Age: 37
Sex: F
Where You're From: Dayton, OH
Where You Live Now: Charlotte, NC
Nationality: Irish. Think there’s German in there too. Either way I genetically like beer.
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Brown
Mode of Transportation: Car
Job: Office Manager
What brought you to HF Boards: Oh god I don’t even remember I’ve been here so long. I think I just googled Columbus Blue Jacket hockey boards back in the day and this is what popped up.
How you became a hockey fan: I have family in Michigan who are diehard Wings fans and so I’ve had a passing familiarity with them since I was a little kid (we visited often) but it didn’t really take then. I went to Ohio University and we didn’t have enough ladies varsity teams to have a men’s NCAA hockey team but we had a pretty sick club team. We were pretty dominant. I went to every home game, and started taking an interest in the pros. This was right around the time the Jackets came into existence. It was love at first sight with my dysfunctional, ragtag group of guys.
How you became a Canes fan: I moved to Charlotte two years ago (Exactly. Today is my two year anniversary here). I’m still trying to keep up with my home team but it’s hard when they’re there and I’m here, even with streams. And especially given that there’s a local team. And y’all have just been so welcoming. Can’t say I’m a fan yet but I’m gonna start watching the games.
Favorite NON Cane's Player(s): Nick Foligno and Matty Calvert. Oh and if Rick Nash could just retire as a Jacket I’ll be a happy girl. I know, I know it’s f***ing cheesy. I don’t care. I love me some Nasher.
Other Sports You Like: OMFG March Madness. No specific team I just love it all.
Other Sports Teams You Cheer For: OSU Buckeyes. Once a Buckeye, always a Buckeye.
College Attended/Attending: Ohio University
Video Game Systems Owned: I have a PS2. Yeah dawg.
Favorite Game(s): God of War
Music You Listen To: Oh f*** me everything. My favorite artist is P!nk (don’t @ me bro I’ll f***ing fight you she’s awesome) but I also love Zac Brown Band, Metallica, Coldplay, Kenny Chesney, The Black Keys. I think Miles Davis Kind of Blue is the best album ever created in any genre. Ever.
Favorite Movie(s): Dial M for Murder. LOTR.
Favorite Book(s): Stephen King 11/22/63
Favorite Food(s): Hmmm... my dad’s chili
Favorite TV Show(s): Game of Thrones, Seinfeld
Hockey Jerseys In Wardrobe: I have a Dubinsky home jersey
Anything Else: As we’ve been discussing in the Lounge thread I’m looking to take up playing the guitar. Music has always been a ginormous part of my life and right now I feel like it’s missing. I have a potty mouth. One of my favorite words is the F-word followed closely by the C-word. I like craft beer. I can change a watch battery faster than you can.