Games you are currently playing - Part 7

Currently achievement hunting in Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. I take breaks playing The Walking Dead: The Final Season (which is quite different from the other seasons).

I also started A Way Out playing casually with the gf.
Finally onto Baldurs Gate III and I’m already addicted and finding myself looking forward to playing when I get home in the evenings. I’m about 3 hours in and just got through the “Dank Crypt” and am finding the combat to be a little easier than DOS2’s was early on so that’s a positive. I struggled mightily with that game in the early stage
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Heh, I thought Divinity combat was easier but I also knew nothing about DND rules going into BG3. I just thought the combat system in Divinity was easier to understand with the AP system. After playing both, I still liked Divinity's combat more. I thought it was more interesting to know you have X AP and use them accordingly. If you want to stand still and take two attacks, you can. You weren't limited to one attack per turn (for many classes anyway.)

I tried Factorio and it's just not for me. I don't have the time to learn and appreciate all the intricacies of the game. I played through the tutorial, tried playing myself, and it was still too confusing to do everything I wanted to do. If I had more time to learn, I'd probably be interested, but I just can't get into it at this point.
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adding hide avatars option

