About halfway through Blood and Wine on my Witcher 3 Next Gen replay. First of all, I know I can play this game in high fidelity on my gaming laptop but this game just feels better as a console title with this kind of graphical improvement.
Man was Hearts of Stone such a ride. The mission with Iris Von Everec's backstory was beautiful and heartbreaking. Gaunter O'dimm is still a more compelling character than like 95% of the rest of the game's cast. Only downside is HoS is a lot lighter on content than Blood & Wine.
I feel like there's still plenty out there that feel like the Witcher 3's combat mechanics suck and the story content doesn't do it for them, but for me, as open world immersive games go the only games in the same tier for storytelling are RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077.
Yeah the combat is clunky and can be a bit of a button masher where you can disregard most of the RPG elements like crafting and alchemy (save for the hardest difficulty) and yeah the "Witcher senses" investigating can be tedious but it's entirely in character for a Witcher and part of the immersion. But including the DLCs I really can't think of many games that are this properly immersive through animated/voice acted cut scenes, lore notes, side content, world design, and main line content other than the two I mentioned above.
Breath of the Wild/TTOK are arguably a superior open world sandbox but the story is nowhere close. I've heard Elden Ring has a superb story accessible through hidden lore but I'm only about 20 hours in and I've barely seen a hint of it. I've spent that 20 hours just wandering aimlessly trying to find the next big boss to kill without any real sense of direction or what's going on in this otherworldly locale. Ghost of Tsushima feels like a modern attempt at a Witcher 3 esque game set in feudal Japan, and it's a good one but I don't think it's as good. The main story and side stories are simpler but effective. All the other side content though gets excruciatingly repetitive and while the combat mechanics are better, they also get incredibly repetitive. I'd say GoT has TW3 beat on open world design and atmosphere while TW3 has better cutscene animation, deeper overall writing and more story content to boot, and better designed civilian locations. Skyrim is better as a self insert role playing experience and has better dungeons, but for me the story was just weak overall to accommodate the self insert immersion. There's a lot of story, to be fair, but it's rarely compelling. GTA 5 has good immersive storytelling but I think RDR2, CP2077, and TW3 still clear it in that regard.
Either way, obviously there's a share of warts with this game, given it was CDPR's first true attempt at a AAA title, but to me its strengths still make it a masterpiece and it's still my favorite game of all time.