Sad People
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- Jun 4, 2021
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What a crazy story that whole fiasco is.Some game studios are straight up sum bags.
Talking about you FNTASTIC.
I'm looking at Resident Evil 4, Jedi Survivor and Mirage, they all went on sale today. I need something that'll last 20-40 hours, that should last me a month till Infinite Wealth comes out. And recommendations between those three? This would be for ps5, I think Survivor had some issues at launch but I would hope that's been taken care of by now.
I'm a "search throughly why I'm there but rarely go back and search again" kindI recently started RE4 on the Series X, it's very good, I don't know if you can stretch it too much past 20 hrs, unless you are a find every single thing kind of player
I'm a "search throughly why I'm there but rarely go back and search again" kind
That whole style of game has never been my jam, personally. To each their own and I think it’s cool a game like that won GOTY but I have 1000x more fun playing something like Elden Ring over that.I finally started Baldur's Gate 3. The combat definitely takes some getting used to compared to Divinity. I know it's early but I prefer the skill points system vs this one where you can move a certain distance and perform one action each turn. I liked the strategy more of trying to make optimal use of your points like maybe sacrificing a move for two attacks.
That being said, I'm loving the dialogue in this one way more. The actual role playing part is a lot more fun. It's not to say it wasn't good in Divinity either, it was great there as well. But this one is just so much deeper and I like seeing the dice roles, picking the right characters etc.
I just wish that if you had a party member that was better at something, they could do the skill check instead of the character you were controlling when you initiated the conversation. Even if there was like a "I'm not very skilled in this field but my friend here is, let them try." I'm playing as Karlach and I have Shadowheart in my party. Shadowheart has points in medicine. I initiated a conversation with a hurt character as Karlach and it had to do the skill check as Karlach instead of switching to Shadowheart. If anything, it just makes me save scum to switch to the character I should have initiated the conversation with to try the skill check with them. I won't save scum the results because I feel like that's cheating while forcing the player who initiated a conversation for a skill check is a bit of poor design.
Square Enix wasted the combat system that Platinum Games helped them build. The fun of games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta, is how you can juggle enemies and do some insane combos. Final Fantasy XVI has enemies that are either too weak so they die before you can do some cool combos or they are too big or supposedly too strong to be juggled. They should have stuck to the combat system of Final Fantasy VII remake or Final Fantasy XV.Tried Final Fantasy 16 since my cousin got me it as a christmas gift. Got about five hours in and uninstalled.
What a pile of garbage. I feel like i spent an hour of that 5 hours actually playing the game while the rest was spent sitting there watching cutscenes. My favorite was when you get to the part Jill sees Clive off as he's sitting on the balcony of the castle thinking to himself. The cutscene ends, then goes right into another cutscene. Lovely.
Combat that has no oomph to it. What's the point of Eikon abilities if they're just different types of flashy and give you no sort of tactical advantage? 7 remake's combat has so much more going on and it felt way better
Story felt like a shitty game of thrones clone. I feel like you wouldn't be able to tell what this game was if it wasn't for them hamfisting the summons and other series staples like Chocobos into the game. If i wanted shitty GOT, i'd go watch the 8th season.
This game tries to be an Action RPG and kinda fails at both to be honest. RPG elements that are either tacked on or irrelevant and not deep enough of combat to be a good action game.
Funny because as i understand Stranger of Paradise does the exact idea, but way better. Hopefully this isn't the route Square takes with the series long term. Chasing western audiences with a cheap clone of a western game isn't the move.