GDT: Game 69 Canes @ Sharks 7:30


Ostapsuck would have been -7 if he played more than 10:49, but at least he had a hit.
Well, they didn't completely embarrass themselves, so... win?
The team is giving up fewer goals than at the beginning of the season despite trading their best goaltender and 2 of their 3 best defensemen. I guess that counts as progress around here.

Offense has gone in the tank though.
The team is giving up fewer goals than at the beginning of the season despite trading their best goaltender and 2 of their 3 best defensemen. I guess that counts as progress around here.

Offense has gone in the tank though.
Offense runs through Celebrini doing magical things, but like most rookies, teams started adjusting and taking away the easy lanes and he hasn’t evolved yet. Still making nice plays but he struggles to drive play now. Can’t expect miracles from an 18 year old.
SNOG announcement

Still no SNOG since the great HFBoards outage of 2025.


Date / Opponent​
SNOG Winner(s)​
1Oct. 10 vs BluesnoneBlues 5-4 OT
2Oct. 12 vs DucksnoneDucks 2-0
3Oct. 15 at Starsweastern biasStars 3-2 SO
4Oct. 17 at Blackhawksweastern biasBlackhawks 4-2
5Oct. 18 at JetsnoneJets 8-3
6Oct. 20 vs AvalanchenoneAvalanche 4-1
7Oct. 22 at DucksTimo TimeDucks 3-1
8Oct. 24 at KingsFridayKings 3-2
9Oct. 26 at VGKnoneVGK 7-3
10Oct. 28 at UtahnoneSharks 5-4 OT
11Oct. 29 vs KingsMackAttack71, bluefunnel, sharks_dynastySharks 4-2
12Oct. 31 vs BlackhawksnoneSharks 3-2
13Nov. 2 vs CanucksnoneCanucks 3-2
14Nov. 5 vs Blue JacketsnoneSharks 2-1 OT
15Nov. 7 vs Wildtimorous meWild 5-2
16Nov. 10 at DevilsnoneSharks 1-0
17Nov. 11 at FlyersTheBigDrunkPandaFlyers 4-3 SO
18Nov. 14 at RangersnoneRangers 3-2
19Nov. 16 at PenguinsPattyLafontainePenguins 4-3 SO
20Nov. 18 vs Red WingsnoneSharks 5-4 OT
21Nov. 20 at Starsweastern biasStars 5-2
22Nov. 21 at Bluesbullslugg, coooldudeBlues 3-2 SO
23Nov. 23 vs SabresnoneSabres 4-2
24Nov. 25 vs KingsnoneSharks 7-2
25Nov. 27 vs Senatorscoooldude, PattyLafontaineSenators 4-3
26Nov. 29 vs KrakennoneSharks 8-5
27Nov. 30 at KrakenbluefunnelSharks 4-2
28Dec. 3 at CapitalsnoneSharks 2-1 OT
29Dec. 5 at LightningnoneLightning 8-1
30Dec. 7 at PanthersnonePanthers 3-1
31Dec. 10 at HurricanesTimo TimeHurricanes 3-2
32Dec. 12 at BluesMackAttack71Sharks 4-3
33Dec. 14 vs UtahbullsluggHockey Club 4-3
34Dec. 17 vs JetsSJSharksfan39Jets 4-3
35Dec. 19 vs AvalancheanthonyyyAvalanche 4-2
36Dec. 21 at OilersPattyLafontaineOilers 3-2 OT
37Dec. 23 at CanucksTimo TimeCanucks 4-3
38Dec. 27 vs VGKSJSharksfan39VGK 6-3
39Dec. 28 vs FlamesnoneFlames 3-1
40Dec. 31 vs FlyersnoneFlyers 4-0
41Jan. 2 vs LightningnoneSharks 2-1

Date / Opponent​
SNOG Winner(s)​
42Jan. 4 vs DevilsLadyStanleySharks 3-2
43Jan. 7 vs VGKweastern biasVGK 4-2
44Jan. 10 at UtahnoneHockey Club 2-1
45Jan. 11 vs Wildweastern biasWild 3-1
46Jan. 14 at Red WingsnoneSharks 6-3
47Jan. 16 at Blue Jacketsweastern biasBlue Jackets 4-1
48Jan. 18 at IslandersTheBeardIslanders 4-1
49Jan. 20 at BruinsnoneBruins 6-3
50Jan. 21 at PredatorsnonePredators 7-5
51Jan. 23 vs PredatorsGreat Makohead ShorkPredators 6-5
52Jan. 25 vs PanthersSJSharksfan39Panthers 7-2
53Jan. 27 vs PenguinsnoneSharks 2-1
54Jan. 30 at KrakennoneKraken 6-2
55Feb. 4 vs CanadiensnoneCanadiens 4-3
56Feb. 6 vs CanucksnoneCanucks 2-1
57Feb. 8 vs StarsnoneStars 8-3
58Feb. 23 at FlamesStar PlatinumFlames 3-2
59Feb. 24 at JetsnoneJets 2-1 OT
60Feb. 27 at CanadiensbullsluggCanadiens 4-3 OT
61Mar. 1 at SenatorsSJSharksfan39Senators 5-3
62Mar. 3 at Maple LeafsnoneSharks 3-2 SO
63Mar. 4 at SabresnoneSharks 6-2
64Mar. 6 at AvalanchenoneAvalanche 7-3
65Mar. 8 vs IslandersPattyLafontaineIslanders 4-2
66Mar. 11 vs PredatorsPattyLafontainePredators 3-2
67Mar. 13 vs Blackhawksnone - dead forumSharks 4-2
68Mar. 15 vs CapitalsnoneCapitals 5-1
69Mar. 20 vs HurricanesnoneHurricanes 3-1

2024-25 SNOG standings​
# of SNOGs
1.weastern bias6
T-4.bullslugg, Timo Time3
T-6.bluefunnel, coooldude, MackAttack712
T-9.anthonyyy, Friday, Great Makohead Shork, LadyStanley, sharks_dynasty, Star Platinum, TheBeard, TheBigDrunkPanda, timorous me1
  • Haha
Reactions: Star Platinum
Slavin wasn’t make him randomly lose his edges all night or just randomly fall or make an unnecessary pass. Most of this happened when no one was near him
Both can be true. He stunk tonight. But Slavin was all over him. Unacceptable but it's whatever
I guess I noticed Slavin's good plays more than I noticed Mack's bad plays. The canes in general are just good at defense
Ok guys here we go again :cheers:
We should have known it before that hf breaks down when Bedard deserves a 10 min misconduct. :laugh:
Well my misconduct was much longer, but i'm back right now :nod:
adding hide avatars option

