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There have been 209 playoff series where a team was up 3-0.
Four teams came back and won in 7 games. 98.08% of the time, the team up 3-0 wins the series.
The team up 3-0 has won Game 4 a total of 129 times. 61.7% of the time.
The team up 3-0 lost Game 4, but won Game 5 a total of 57 times. 27.3% of the time.
The team up 3-0 lost Game 4 and 5, but won Game 6 a total of 14 times. 6.7% of the time.
The team up 3-0 lost Games 4, 5, and 6, but won Game 7 a total of 5 times. 2.4% of the time.
The team up 3-0 lost Game 4, 5, 6, and 7 a total of 4 times. 1.9% of the time.
61.7+27.3+6.7+2.4 = 98.1, which is where the 98.08% number comes from. 129+57+14+5 = 205 total times a team that was up 3-0 ended up winning the series (and then you have the four times where the other team wins 4 straight and takes the series).
So, there have been a total of 23 series that started with one team winning the first 3 games and the series going to 6 or 7 games. The team up 3-0 ended up winning 19 of these 23 series.